South Park’s authors created a movie which begins by following the ‘children’ of 2 couples thru several generations. One couple is basically a professional, MBA/Managerial couple, planning the perfect child, and the other is SNAP/EBT high school dropouts. By the 3rd generation (less than 1 adult lifetime) the professional couple have NO children and hte other couple are the scions of about 20 kids, grand kids and great grand kids, the president of the USA during the film appears to be a WWE graduate as his sole accomplishment.
Recently, amid a twitter argument over the US simply LEAVING Afghanistan as is by the next presidential election here (for rather obvious reasons), one Obamanoid proponent claimed in a Paulista like rant that we had too many serious problems here. When he was reminded of 9/11 he pointed out that OBL was found in Pakistan, which seemed to me to be a rather obscure way to argue (the person conceived of himself as ‘smart’ and knowledgable’. When it was pointed out that we had a large presence during the 80’s, and drew down in the period 89-92 until we had no further interest or people, and that the result of that WAS 9/11, a blank wall was the response. He and his supporters had no idea of what occurred, never heard of Shah Massoud or what the timing of his assassination meant (since they had no idea who he was)
Later, someone SUPPOSED to be smart, one Peter Beinart, formerly of the New Republic, now the Atlantic, asserted in 2 articles that Obama = Eisenhower, and in a really comedic and tortuous path of denial that numbers show we we are better off in the world (i.e. Obama not only HAS a foreign policy, but that it is helping us). Worth a read.
These views are characterized by views so incredible that it seems as if facts have not been cherry picked, but INVENTED when needed to justify the unjustifiable, and not unreasonable but the UNBELIEVABLE.
Similarly the EPA in a truly ASTONISHING self extension of their (and therefore ANY PRESIDENT’S executive dept) is now calling ponds in your backyard …from the kid’s in rural areas bass ponds, to your JAPANESE GARDEN POND to your five Lilly pads in a garden pond, .. VERNAL POOLS. This gives the federal govt authority next to your grill. ( the EPA claims that material from his pond is being discharged into other waterways ????????) Not the town code guy. Not the county agriculture committee, not the state land board or state EPA … THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA and his appointed minions, and THEIR appointed and promoted minions. Like the BLM, and Dept of Agricutlure, they are probably ARMED. I assume when challenged by exposure to sunlight they will have jargon filled nebbish like endless invented stories and stats to justify their increased and obnoxious authority in order to make those who oppose them appear as MORE stigmatized SCIENCE DENIERS, because the GOVT KNOWS BEST.
This morning I watched the president of the USA describe his pen authored destruction of the economies of WV and Eastern KY (via the EPA and it’s administrative rulings) and their coal industry by warning that those opposing him would warn the economy would be damaged and thus demonstrate a lack of faith in America. Of course he doesn’t live there, nor does he have to compete for the more in demand (i.e. MORE EXPENSIVE) oil and natural gas to heat his home. He said it was a lack of faith in our ingenuity to circumvent problems. What about the lack of faith in our ability to find a way to burn coal cleanly?
Of course we have also now seen that in terms of global warming the touted 97% agreement of scientists which justified the ‘settled science’ argument be SHREDDED by accepted peer review articles pointing out that was false, and that in fact it was more like 0.3% agreement. Likewise, those attempting to find and use the data of the paper which MADE the original 97% claim are threatened with suit both IF the publish the methodology and data, and if they QUEST FURTHER, or FIND that information.
Those who question, JUST QUESTION are called SCIENCE DENIERS.
’By doubting we come to questioning, by questioning we might come to belief’ - Peter Abelard
Are the American people now rolling over for this?
Because it takes energy and effort to oppose efforts to SKIRT the Constitution, based on what seemed like a good idea at the time?
Because the quest for real facts and knowledge is lost?