
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Thug Arrested For Punching 92-Year-Old Woman and Knocking Her to the Ground is a Convicted Sex Offender with Over 100 Prior Arrests!

Thug Arrested For Punching 92-Year-Old Woman and Knocking Her to the Ground is a Convicted Sex Offender with Over 100 Prior Arrests!


  1. Before we (Western Civilization) had the world finest justice system we had penal colonies.

    Where menaces to society weren't allowed to keep being menaces of society 100 times.

    Other, less enlightened, cultures have similar results with mass graves.

    Our Justice system is clearly not capable of dealing with the number of criminals we have walking our streets. And spend billions on it every year. I bet we have as many cops as we do teachers. We supposedly imprison a larger percentage of our population than any other country (I'm too tired be verify this right now) ..... but obviously it aint enough. It aint working. Its limitations prevent it from providing its intended goal ..... allowing us to live in a safe society.

    And the culprit is our compassion..... and the fact that our catch and release justice system provides a lot a well paying jobs. They have no incentive to make our streets safe.

    Getting arrested or even going to prison in America is a pain free experience..... even the death penalty is painless. The Death penalty usually costs our society millions of dollars before it is carried out. I dont think thats always the case in other places with lower crime rates and less justice systems costs than ours.

    Long rap sheets are a badge of honor on our streets. We might actually not notice much difference if we abolished the police. They arrest criminals, our justice systems releases them...... whats the point really?

  2. Good point.

    This might actually have something to do with why cops have become so angry and out of control. They feel like, "Why fucking bother being good? It doesn't help."
