
Saturday, March 20, 2021

Dr. Carrie Madej On The COVID Vaccine, "You Are a Lab Rat" ...

One thing I want to note here is, Dr. Carrie Madej says there are "subunits" of HIV in the code of the virus. I have published on this before. 

It has supposedly been debunked. I did not necessarily believe the debunking. 

In fact, one of the things that has made me believe it is the fact that everyone I know who is in the Entertainment industry knows multiple people who have died at a young age from COVID. Yet most people I know - who are not in the entertainment industry - do not know anyone who has died at a young age from COVID. 

This leads me to believe COVID and AIDS are linked somehow.


1 comment:

  1. As the old joke goes, if the CHINA VIRUS vaccine gives me rabies, I'm making out a list of everyone I intend to bite.
