Monday, August 14, 2017

American history by "Muslims"

Osama, the Taliban, and Saddam would have been like the Boy Scouts had the US not turned them to the dark side:
After World War II:
  1. The Soviet Union oppressed the peoples of Eastern Europe.
  2. The Soviet Gulag system had over two million people who were used as slaves.
  3. In 1956, Soviet tanks rolled in Hungary to crush the rebellion.
Who is to blame for this colossal harm?

That radical Episcopalian President FDR! That diabolical son of a bitch sent $, trucks, horses, etc. to the Soviet Union in the 1940s. You can't run from your evil legacy, FDR!

That is how you write history the "Muslim" way. No matter what bad things non-Americans do, just go back a few years or a decade and connect the wickedness to the Americans.


Anonymous said...

Question about the current desire to rewrite history. How do you feel about the removal/destruction of Southern statues and monuments?

No doubt that slavery was and still is the most despicable institution earth ever had, but it is also true that the Civil War was more about economics than slavery. So why the need to try to erase part of our history? I'm a southerner, and I am livid. And I guess because of that I should be considered a racist.

What is your take on this issue? I appreciate your opinions.

Isaac Schrödinger said...

It would be a mistake for Southerners to give in and allow the removal of such statues and monuments.

The issue isn't slavery. The issue is power and control.

If these symbols are torn down, then we'll quickly see the following "debate":


George Washington, the first US president, was a slave owner. It's deeply "problematic" that supposedly enlightened Americans today use currency which depicts the despicable face of that monster. Every time a Black person uses a quarter or a one dollar bill, he's reminded of the terrible oppression of his people. This is NOT OK!

Therefore, we NEED to melt and burn all the tyrannical currency which has Washington's diabolical face. Who gets to replace him? Why, Obama, of course!

Wait, you oppose that? Well, you must be a racist, slavery-loving, KKK member!


Do not give an inch to these people. Their ilk at the University of London want Plato, Descartes etc. removed from the syllabus because those historical figures were white!

Just because someone from the past did something bad, doesn't mean that we have to delete them or their symbols from history. By that logic, Islam and Muhammad should get a serious ban hammering.