And the Ents keep moving (thanks, Pastorius)
To all people living in Spain: the next March 4th, Saturday, a demonstration will be held in Madrid supporting the freedom of expression, in the surroundings of the Monument of the Constitution, at 12:30. It's organized by the Liberal Youths (you know, Liberal in Europe does not mean the same as in America..., it means standing for freedoms).
The manifesto runs:
The freedom of press in the democratic countris is menaced by the fanatic fundamentalists that have sworn to kill anyone who draws Mohammed. In this situation we only can show our incondicional solidarity with the people that are targets of fanatics, and to proclaim the freedom of expression as an inalienable human right. It should not be disminished by the murderers' violence or the politics' cowardice.There are people who have been their targets for decades. That is why showing our solidarity with all the Muslims that must live in silence and support the odious tyranny of their corrupt Governments or the permanent menace of the integrists. All of them must know we will fight for our and their own freedom. We reclaim for them the same freedoms that we have and of which we are not going to be deprived easily.In this time when the first reaction is to be "prudent" we have to take a moment of reflexion and take into account that we are free, and that this freedom, that has been so costly, is menaced.This is moment in which we have to compromise firmly with freedom: we have to support our democratic convictions to confront the integrism. This is the time to forge an Alliance of democrates of all the civilizations to put and end to this tyranny that holds its grip throughout half of the world and menaces the other half.We are grateful to Danish people because of the example that it is giving the world in the fight for our freedoms, against religious fanatism and cowardice. And we are demanding from our politicians to adopt the same attitude and take a firm stand with the Danes.That is why from Liberal Youths we want to call all organizations, associations and citizens that want to support all these values, to come next March 4th at 12.30 to the surroundings of Constitution's monument.
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How very encouraging! The fact that they have the courage to "go public" is even more encouraging! Please keep us up-dated.
ReplyDeleteIn line with the whole idea of fighting back, most of you wake up before I do, and have heard that Dubai has requested a delay on the Port decision. My guess is that the pressure that has been applied to Bush has caused him to ask Dubai to request a delay - that's a face-saving measure.
Thanks cubed. I will post any news I have over this thing.
ReplyDeleteAns yes, it is very encouraging. I thought nobody was going to do it...