
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

France More Supportive Of Denmark Than Clinton

I think Clinton is just too busy with his other projects to do anything about Islamofascism.

From the Astute Blogger:

FRANCE-SOIR has republished the 12 cartoons which have inspired the Arab Muslim nations to begin a boycott of Denmark:

France Soir said it had published the cartoons to show that "religious dogma" had no place in a secular society. ... The paper said it had decided to republish them "because no religious dogma can impose itself on a democratic and secular society".

The offices of the Danish newspaper that first published the caricatures, Jyllands-Posten, had to be evacuated on Tuesday because of a bomb threat. ... Thousands of Palestinians demonstrated this week in the Gaza Strip, burning Danish flags and portraits of the Danish prime minister.

Saudi Arabia has recalled its ambassador to Denmark, while Libya said it was closing its embassy in Copenhagen and Iraq summoned the Danish envoy to condemn the cartoons. BJ Clinton on the other hand has taken the side of the racist misogynist genocidal Aran Muslim nations:

Clinton described as “appalling” the 12 cartoons published in a Danish newspaper in September and causing uproar in the Muslim world.

“None of us are totally free of stereotypes about people of different races, different ethnic groups, and different religions ... there was this appalling example in northern Europe, in Denmark ... these totally outrageous cartoons against Islam,” he said.

I have never ONCE heard Clinton complain about the horrifying and anti-Semitic depeictions of Jews - and of Sharon, for example - which CONSTANTLY APPEAR in the Arab Muslim press - AND IN THE EU's LEFT-WING PRESS! - like ones of Sharon depicted as bloodsucking cannibal eating Arabs.Clinton and his fellow travellers on the enemy-appeasing Left - like Carter and Sheehan and Dean and Pelosi and Reid and Murtha and Teddy Jo Kennedy and Genghis Kerry - are running are partly responsible for the mess we're in:

Carter helped Khomeini takeover Iran, let the USSR take over Afgfhanistan, and let Saddam take over Iraq. Clinton ignored al Qaeda - for his entire 8 years in office, and passed up on SEVERAL chances to get Binladen.

It is fitting and proper that now BOTH OF THESE USELESS LEFT-WING ENEMY-APPEASING DOVES should trake the side of the those who would limit our freedoms. They are scum.

NOTE: I suspect that Clinton will be getting a lot of "donations" from his new Arab Muslim "friends" (today's Arab press is all over him with praise!) and I suspect that this is one MAJOR reason for his comments: Clinton is doing what he and his fellow travellers have always done - pander for money.

REMEMBER: FORMER FBI DIRECTOR LOUIS FREEH said that Clinton went all soft on the Saudi in 2000 because he was more concerned about getting a donation for his presidential library than in making foreign policy that was good for the USA and our allies.

More on this corrupt philandering perjurious piece of excrement's pandering to Arabs for money HERE and HERE.


  1. Clinton, the ever shameless opportunist.

    Interesting how both he and Wacko Jacko both ended up in the same part of the world pandering to the same sort of people. I imagine they both have amassed sizable legal bills in their public lives. I suppose they need compelled to be dhimmis for the money. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

  2. Good point. And, of course, for Jacko there is the benefit that his, uh, predilection is tolerated.

    With Clingon, I have no idea. I mean the women are all covered up in Burqas. It's gotta be the money.

  3. unaha-closp,
    Everything you say is true. Good points.
