
Saturday, February 18, 2006

'Piece'-ful Muslims

I have come to the conclusion that there are Peaceful Muslims, and then there are Pieceful Muslims.

And here are the Pieceful kind...

Cleric offers $1M (U.S.) for cartoonist's murder

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) — A Pakistani cleric announced a $1-million U.S. bounty for killing a cartoonist who drew the Prophet Muhammad.

This is just sickening. I can't understand why more Muslims aren't calling this what it is, a disgusting representation of what they want the world to see as a Peaceful religion.

Obviously it is not about the money, or someone would have tried to cash in on the $25 million for Osama's head.

And that makes for a very dangerous enemy...

There's more to the post at Fu2rman & Friends.


  1. Islam is indeed a religion of piece; a piece of you here, a piece of you there. The stakes have gone higher by the way.

  2. Anyone else think that there need to be counter-protests here in the US perhaps? And not of the smashing and setting things on fire variety?

  3. So was the price on Rushdie's head but they had to bite their tongues.

  4. Pim's Ghost,

    Yes, YES, YES!!! Counterprotests! How about a bunch of signs with quotes from the Koran, Hadith, and Ibn Ishaq? How about signs with pictures of atrocities, from women being stones to the Twin Tower "jumpers" to pictures of people killed for daring to criticize their invalid moral code, to children used as homocide bombers (you should see the one where the head is fairly intact, blown off the spinal column with the spinal cord hanging out).

    Oh, my gosh! Decisions, decisions, decisions! There's so much to choose from!

    Maybe the demonstrations--informative parades, actually--should be every 9/11.

    And oh--is it time we offered the Danish cartoonists asylum here, and let them go into something akin to the Witness Protection Program?

  5. Pakistani Atheist,

    Thanks for the link! I just followed it, and I'll print some of that off over at my place.

    Man, is that guy UGL-LEE!

  6. "If you are against an absolute truth, never fight with it try to defend it but in a terrible way".
    Islam is being defended now in a terrible way and by wrong people!I'm sure that if our holy prophet was alive now he would never think of retaliatin.He would smile and ask would ask god to be magnified in the cartoonist's life!
    Islam sets you free,Islam asks you to love everyone,one the Islam will be presented by the right person(God willing)
