
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sharia and the Shahada: Where is OUR Outrage?

I recently challenged a muslim man in one of my favorite restaurants, a Hindu owned and operated Indian restaurant which has recently made the unfortunate decision to start serving halal meat (meat prepared to the standard of muslim law). The man and his enshrouded female companion were seated next to me, though that would have made little difference considering the decibel level in which he chose to make his arguments over his cell phone. He was, of course, arguing with someone who seemed to be seeking to quote him regarding the now-infamous muhammad cartoons (all uncapitalized words MY EMPHASIS). He ranted and raved on his phone that the cartoons were an insult and an incitement to muslims and therefor should not be allowed in print and must be protested to the last breath of every muslim alive today.

Once he finished his call, he stood up and I had to ask him (being an afternoon buffet, one never knows another diner's motive in leaving their seat), "Sir, are you leaving now, or should I simply ask to be reseated?". When he asked why I would want to be reseated, I simply told him that I did not prefer to lose my appetite by having to listen to such offensive speech and displays of religious arrogance. He was clearly quite angry with my statement, but I was much more angry with the arrogance I have been feeling over the cartoon protests, dhimmitude, sharia (islamic law) and the most offensive of all in my opinion, the muslim shahada (profession of faith).

He informed me that he was in fact leaving and that I was obviously "filled with hate". With that rock thrown from his little glass house, I promptly informed him that he should carefully consider that he and his co-religionists have been invited freely to practice their religion in Western countries, but that if he wanted a true example of incitement, insult to another's religion or arrogance, he needed look no further than the muslim shahada. I then repeated the words (never fear, if they are spoken without belief, they do not render the speaker automatically a muslim, and I remain a proud infidel!), "There is no god but allah, and muhammad is his prophet". I told the man that by this very statement/doctrine, muslims had provided an incitement and rather deep insult to every other religion on the planet. The man at this simply repeated that I was "filled with hate" and promptly left the restaurant.

Please read the rest at :
  • What Would Charles Martel Do?

  • With much thanks Gates of Vienna for clueing me in how to link the HTML way!

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