
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Number of "Moderate Muslims" speaking out in favor of Afghan Apostate


....chirping of crickets....


  1. Note that Eteraz is speaking out against this.

  2. And no doubt telling only us Infidels about his thoughts, anonymously here on the web. Don't hold your breath waiting for any other 'moderates' to dare show the apostate any public support.

  3. also note that not that many 'moderates' actually frequent this site.

    believe it or not, the internet is bigger than this one blog.

  4. Well, yeah, there's also our blogs, and LGF.

    Other than that, though ...

  5. The Right Side of the Blogosphere is basically the last crowd of people on the planet that needs to be told what sort of injustice Islam has in store for Infidels and Apostates.

    So where's all the 'moderate' Muslim support for this hapless apostate? Other than Eteraz cautiously sticking up his hand, I see basically zero.

  6. I was spoofing Eteraz for suggesting that we aren't aware that the internet is bigger than just this site.

  7. Conclusion
    Islam is crap and the bombheads know it's crap. That why they can only propagate their Satanic Death Cult by intimidation, deception, coercion and terrorism, and why they have to murder anyone who disagrees with them and their child-raping pervert role-model(Piss Be Upon Him).

    Islam is inferior to all other religions (with the possible exception of Satanism) morally, aesthetically and rationally.

    Given a 'level playing field' of competition, Islam wouldn't stand a chance in the Great Spiritual Supermarket. There are far better products available which have more appeal to modern consumers. That's why the bombheads have to enforce a monopoly by terror.

    Islam excels in nothing. It is not even moderately competent in any of the arts of civilisation. All the Islamafia are good for is rape, murder and terrorism.

    If these assholes don't release that guy immediately then send in the Danish equivalent of the SAS (since the US and UK don't seem have the balls to do anything) to pull him out and waste a few baby-buggerering Satanists while they're at it.
