
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What Happened To Ali Eteraz?

I have been quiet as of late.

This is because I have been on my blog trying to 1) draw more Muslims to it and 2) after drawing them, encouraging them to wash their dirty laundry.

In other words, in-house cleaning. If you care to take a peek at some of that "inner-critique" I'm always talking about, feel free to stop by.

Open Letter To Reformist Muslims

In A Dream The Prophet Nietzsche Bid Me Write

Idolator Islam: Part I of III

Meanwhile I'm going to go search for "Smallville."


  1. I see that the first article got many comments. I'm going to read them reight now.

  2. Ali Eteraz got bitten by I am not sure if he will ever stand up again. my be he needs your babes to help him stand.
