
Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Stunning Anti-Semitism of Modern Day British Culture

Little Green Footballs is bringing us the story of the new issue of the Independant, one of the major British dailies. Charles says:

The Independent features an interview with the always incoherent Robert Fisk, with a cover illustration straight out of Der Stuermer.

Anti-Semitism, in my opinion, is evidence of a society suffering from a profound mental illness. For several years now, British culture has tolerated anti-Semtisim, of this sort, within its media.

The more the anti-Semtic libels are thrown around the more the public begins to believe them. My own English relatives see no problem in calling me up and explaining to me that the reason the world hates America is because our government is controlled by "the Jewish Lobby."

The amazing thing about it is I'm pretty damned sure my relatives understand that such accusations are straight out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

But, I guess it doesn't matter, because this time, they believe it is true; the Jews really have gained control of the world, and are now steering it along for their own nefarious purposes.

Clearly, the entirety of Jewish culture has attained a super-human intellectual capacity, because men have been trying, since the beginning of time, just to control their own lives, and they have been abysmal failures at it.

And, that, my friends, is exactly the reason for all this anti-Semitism. When people are unable to understand the world around them, they feel they are losing control of their lives. At such a time, it is easier to buy into anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, than to face the icy breath of the nothingness within their souls.

Harry's Place has a history of such images.


  1. I was going to write more, but my top secret 4096 bit encrytped jewfone is ringing with tonight's instructions. I'm expecting 4 bales of $100's to be floated ashore from the USS Ohio, which is actually crewed by the Mossad, so we can donate it to McCain next week after he submits to a 'special' interview.

    Later I'll set up the special antenna to beam Shakira into Mecca along with instructions to muslimas on how to play with themselves, and avoid thikning about Allah, and just consider sex and money. We have millions of Fench Maid outfits to airdop into Teheran.

    I have to go

  2. The Independent is a daily newspaper!

    It is a national newspaper but it's readership figures are plummeting.

  3. Jonz,
    Thanks for correcting me. We don't have daily papers that look like that here in the States.

  4. Epa,
    If I had any control over Shakira, I don't think I'd be sending her the Muslims way.

  5. pastorius, i think that part of the paper was just the suplement, the main paper looks like any other.

    bear in mind as well it was the independent that did the sharon eating the baby pic

  6. Well our papers get rather bloated, that's just a mere multi-page supplement!

    Though to be fair, the front pages of The Indepdent don't actually differ that much from the front page of the supplement... Always sensationalist, and always utter bollocks!

  7. I'm imagining having mind control over Shakira... Oh yeah.

    J thats spooky! Same thing happened at LGF - lol.

  8. "J thats spooky! Same thing happened at LGF - lol."

    oh, sorry about that, my zionist brainwashing machine was set to high

  9. I was checking out the LGF thread, Jonz. Good work on Pooh.


  10. I hope the tone of this post wasn't like that. I sent it off to a British friend of mine who is in the clergy. Wanted to get his opinion.

  11. jonz...1935 Oxford ..votes not to fight for King and Country ..that year WSC gets Ralph Wigram to give him the information that they had about the Luftwaffe gearing up, but cherry picked to avoid having to deal with reality.

    IMHO, from afar, GB is in the EXACT SAME SPOT TODAY ...we, who are alarmed, are just like WSC, today regarded as war mongering lunatics

  12. Not at all Pastorius. I don't think it would be actually possible for you to have a tone like that!

    Epaminondas err you've lost me a bit there, but it's getting late I will google those tommorow!

  13. The British liberals and lefties are compulsive Jew and America haters because the fount of all wisdom - the Burka Broadcasting Corporation - gives its audience a constant sneering drip-feed of anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism. Sometimes the effect is almost subliminal, a kind of permanent bias.

    The BBC is mob of overpayed, underworked, bloated, appeasing, Mohtoon-non-displaying, spineless, dhimmi, PC, metropolitan Islamophilic parasites leeching the British public through the absurd and anachronistic TV license.

    Abolish the TV license and these w*****s would have to work for a living in the real world.

  14. I like that second paragraph, Mustafa. Wish I could have heard you say it.


  15. AIPAC what does it do? It has a budget of $40 million(?) per year, spent in Washington. If I was Jewish I'd be delighted for it to be direct lobbying and influencing politicians.

    Those two pricks Epaminondas mentions think AIPAC is doing an outstanding job. But most everybody here (who seem to be all supportive of Israel) think that the millions are wasted. If I was Jewish I'd be peeved at AIPAC chucking money away that could be spent to lobby politicians.

    Incidentally Saudi royals spend upwards of 5x as much on PR in Washington as the Jooos. Am I a paranoid Islamophobe for thinking this lobbying might have some influence?

  16. Hey unaha...I want to go back to Hamner Springs...Christchurch is number 4 on my all time places to live list.

  17. Um, Epamimondas...Hamner springs is one of the few bits of this country I haven't visited, must go have a look. Have recently been tourist to Flagstaff AZ and would like living there.

    Pastorius, it is a capitalist democracy - you get what you pay for.

  18. Happy Ruthy,
    Yes, you could. I am aware of that. I remember reading a fine essay by a man, whose name I can not now recall, the thesis of which was, all pacifism leads to anti-Semitism.

    The truth may be, Pacifism doesn't LEAD to anti-Semitism, but is, instead, the result of anti-Semitism.

  19. Thought this was an articulate piece. My comment relates more to other comments on the piece. Just want to make it cleat that Shakira DID NOT make anti-semetic comments on MTV as she was accused. After receiving numerous outcries from exasperated fans and other assortments of offended people, the Anti-Defamation League looked into the accusation of Shakira's anti-semitism and found it to be a complete farse. It is hard to believe (although not impossible) Shakira would ever promote inequality or negativity between cultures. After looking into it further, turns out there's no need to believe it though because it's not true.

  20. I am so ashamed, as a muslim man, I am tired of the pain in this world, I live in London and I envy the American's. I live amongst animals..we all hate Jews because they know love and peace, they kow medicine, and art...we know pain and destruction...and our hosts, the British are too stupid to see this. The British and their BBC happily feed Anti Semitism to make me feel good about myself, forget it, and realize, the JEWS are good for this earth, until we make a commitment to be a positive force in the world, and stop celebrating every murder on behalf of Allah, until this point of progress, we are doomed!!!

  21. Anonymous,
    Don't just be ashamed.

    Be proud that you are a good man.

    And, maybe, you ought to move to America, open a business, and contribute to society. There are opportunities here in America that just don't exists in other parts of the world.

    Don't get me wrong, we have plenty of anti-Semites here too, and many of them happen to be Muslims. And, most of our Mosques are Saudi-funded, but I think there is a real opportunity for growth here that I don't see anywhere else.

  22. hey, I read your blog, it's very knowlegeble.

    Read how to greet in Indian Culture.

  23. Anti-Semitism has alway been around under the surface, especially in Europe. I love conspiracy theories. I suppose they believe the Moon was created out of green cheese. By the Jews? Usually people that hate, hate themselves.
