
Monday, June 19, 2006

Fueling the Pali Arab Meme

The Pali meme continues. I say we disregard "accounts" aka hearsay aka lies aka as propaganda and stick solely with the facts. And knowing how effectively the Palis play the pliant and willing media I don't put much faith in their 'accounts" or their doctors identifying shrapnel. I believe the Jews - that schmuck Olmert apologized, for G-d's sake, as soon as it happened without knowing it was a Hamas shell. Victimhood: The Palestinian Disease

Hospital casts doubt on Israel's version of attack that killed seven Palestinians

Palestinian accounts of the timing of the explosion which killed seven members of the same family on a Gaza beach have cast doubt on crucial elements of the conclusion of the military investigation which absolved Israel of any responsibility.

Identification of the shell by Garalsco? Garalsco is imminently unqualified.. Jerry Gordon at Israpundit reports that not only did the dishonorable Garlasco leave the army when the going got tough but he is untrained at the kind of evaluation he is purported to do. And why was Garalsco chosen to identify it? We need someone unbiased. Clean. Judged qualified by both sides. And the shrapnel? Where did it really come from? What was its original point of origin? There are already reports the bodies were tampered with, that any incriminating evidence was removed from the bodies. So what are we to believe? Threatswatch takes it down - line item by line item here.

Past experiences have proven that the Palestinians, all the way up to the leadership itself, do not have any scruples against using ‘human shields’ during various terror operations. And this incident appears to be within this format. (One Jerusalem)

And much like Al Dura (and we are painfully aware of its intent), the event appears to have been staged. The Palis know the chief weapon in their arsenal is a complicit, eager-to-believe-the-worst-about-the-Jew-hating media. FACT.

Charles Krauthammer sums it all up brilliantly (of course) here

Answer: This is another example of the Palestinians' classic and cowardly human-shield tactic -- attacking innocent Israeli civilians while hiding behind innocent Palestinian civilians. For Palestinian terrorists -- and the Palestinian governments (both Fatah and Hamas) that allow them to operate unmolested -- it's a win-win: If their rockets aimed into Israeli towns kill innocent Jews, no one abroad notices and it's another success in the terrorist war against Israel. And if Israel's preventive and deterrent attacks on those rocket bases inadvertently kill Palestinian civilians, the iconic "Israeli massacre" picture makes the front page of the New York Times, and the Palestinians win the propaganda war.

But there is an even larger question not asked. Whether the rocket bases are near civilian beaches or in remote areas, why are the Gazans launching any rockets at Israel in the first place -- about 1,000 in the past year?

Very interesting observations here

At the end of the day the Pali Arabs have achieved their goal -- to render Israel impotent in their response to the hundreds of Kassam rockets being launched from Gaza into Israel.

“She said the Israelis won’t send their bombs again,” a small girl said before scampering back to her sandcastle.

No, they won’t. The lies have achieved their purpose. The world will be watching Israel’s response to kassam rockets even more closely, and downplaying kassam attacks on Israel—because eight Gazans died in a beach explosion, yards away from where kassams were being launched towards Israel. More at Yourish

UPDATE: Another Pali big lie pushed by dinosaur media

UPDATE: BOYS AND THEIR MIGHTY MIGHTY BIG TOYS. JJJJJJJ posits the following. Any good ballisticians out there to confirm this?

Several observations.—

Shrapnel, technically speaking (and as i understand it, you should check this out w/ a good military artillery type guy), is stuff that was loaded into cannons as “canister shot.” nuts, bolts, bearing, this and that, sort of a very crude approximation of multiple projectiles, ala a shotgun shell.

I think military guys speak of the shards of a shell casing blown asunder by the explosive charge of an artillery shell, as shell fragments.

Another mechanism you should understand, is that modern high explosives generate absolutely tremendous pressures upon ignition, and these pressures are expressed by a pressure wave emanating from the explosion. now, explosives are very tricky, and these pressure waves can be shaped, hence the phrase “shape charge.” some plastiques, for instance, actually send the pressure wave toward the object to which the explosive is attached, and are relatively benign in the direction in which they meet little or relatively little resistance.

So, some explosives set on the bank vault door will not harm the bank robbers hiding behind the wooden desk ten feet away, while others would not do them any damn good whatsonever. remember tom cruise in one of the mission impossible movies being “wafted” from one train to another in the tunnel on a nice billowy red cloud of explosion, over the significant portion of several seconds.

Well, sorry.

Remember the pressure wave thing above. some pressure waves propagate at over 200,000 feet per second, if my memory of this isn’t becoming a bit befuddled.

So, if a bunch of palestinians were standing in a tight knit group on a beach, and a high explosive round from a marine artillery shell landed in their midst, it would have created considerable havor to the beach terrain, and the fragments from the shell would simply have torn through the torsos of the victims, well in a manner that has to be seen to be believed, and the pressure wave from the artillery shell would have simply shredded the people. trust me, … , well, actually, you don’t have to trust me.

Pamela, my sweet, go to your video library. i seem to recall that you have run several streaming videos of i.e.d.’s blowing up, either right under or around u.s. military vehicles, one in particular i seem to recall showed the terrorist fellow going to his death, and then showed the explosion behind a wall, or something like that.

Most of these i.e.d.’s, as i understand it, are nothing more than artillery shells, taken from the shell casings, with the mechanical fuses having been removed, and a remote electronic fuse set in place. then some little weasel sits in a house in the neighborhood, and detonates it by phone.

These films demonstrate rather graphically the explosive force of an artillery shell. if a naval artillery shell of comparable size and force explode in the midst of a bunch of soft skinned people, why the physical effect on those people would have been horrific, indeed. when our poor guys get hit in the hummvees, their bodies are shredded and torn to pieces. behind armor, and in armored vests, with helmets. It is not pleasant for their friends and comrades to pick up the pieces.

One more thing, on the other end of the equation.

I hunt. my weapon of choice is the 7mm remington magnum. it shoots a gilding metal encased lead projectile weighing 175 grains, a little over 1/3 of an ounce, at 2,900 fps. at the muzzle. arriving at a target, say 45-500 yards away, it will still be going roughly 18-19 hundred fps. this is very mild velocity at the muzzle compared to a field/marine artillery piece.

This bullets destructive force is generated by the tissue of an animal resisting its path, causing upset of the bullet form, causing increasing resistance because of increased frontal area of the bullet, which works to dump the energy of the bullet inside the animals body. a bullet traveling 2,000 fps, say, into an animal’s body which is 2 feet thick, well, the bullet does its work in less than 1/1000’s of a second.

A rifle bullet does not simply poke a hole in an animal. this process creates a wound channel which is characterized by the radial expansion of tissues around the bullet path, and by the tissues absorption of tremendous pressure and heat generated by the bullet (which does not last long, but which happens), and the tearing and compression of flesh upon flesh.

The net result of this is what is called a wound channel, and its effects are horrendous. first the hole. then, the destruction to any vital organ, which may include tearing, cutting, of the effect i will next describe. this last effect I will describe is called “jellying.” the compression effect, called hydroscopic shock, literally turns meat and connected tissue into a jellied mass. that’s gotta hurt. it also shocks the animal’s central nervous system and neural receptors to an incredible degree.

There are a lot of other phenomena involved here, including one call secondary fragmentation. Whenever sketal structure are struck by shell fragments, or by bullets, the bones are shattered, and given off fragments of their own at tremendous velocity, which have a corresponding ability to penetrate, cut and shock tissue.

Don’t want to get too grisly on the topic, but I shot an elk once, and the wound channel had jellied tissue around it about 3.5 inches in diameter, and at the terminus of the bullet path had little tiny bone fragments like the residue from a meat saw on a t-bone steak. at other points, where leg and shoulder had been struck, the bone had shattered in radial shards, that looked like broken shards of pottery, some as long as a inch to an inch and one half long.

So, if hit by an artillery shell, the bodies of these people should have been pretty mangled. if they stumbled upon a land mine, say laid by the Palestinian authority, my guess is the damage pathology of the wounds would be much different, because land mines simply don’t have the whompf of a good sized artillery projectile.

Can any of my military readers add to this?

There is another factor involved.

Artillery shells can also be fitted with what are called “proximity fuses,” wherein they will explode at a given height above the ground. the projectiles in them are designed to “rain down” over a specified area.

Seems unlikely that a proximity weapon, were such a weapon involved, would hit some while “ignoring” the little girl under the blanket.

JUNE 18TH: The Germans are speaking truth to evil. Yeah, the Germans;


German newspaper casts doubt on Palestinian claims that IDF shell killed seven family members on Gaza beach. How come Hadil Ghalia was seen wearing dry clothes after the Gaza beach attack when she was reported to have been swimming?

While three major British newspapers published reports contradicting Israel's claims that its military was not responsible for the murder of seven members of the Ghalia family on a Gaza beach over a week ago, a German newspaper casts doubt on the authenticity of pictures taken soon after the bloody incident.

German daily Sued Deutsche, said pictures taken by Zakaria Abu Irbad, 36, a cameramen with the Palestinian independent news agency Ramattan, contradict Palestinian claims that an IDF shell killed the Ghalia family and point to the possibility that the event was staged to hold Israel responsible.


1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe no one thought to ask why the little girl, who said she was saved because she was swimming at the time of the attack, was completely dry and clothed.

    We are all idiots! The easiest details to ignore are the ones right in front of our faces.
