
Saturday, June 17, 2006

We are Dar al-Islam already

Isn't it funny (peculiar, not ha ha) how quickly we forgot important matters as soon as, to quote a German saying, another pig is driven through the village? So what happened to the then world famous, now already almost forgotten cartoonists who draw the Mohammed cartoons, which have changed history?

The following information, I received by email. The comment of the authors is as informative as the attached article itself.
Dear colleague,

Attached please find our article entitled "The Muhammed Affair and the Denmark Pact", which has just been published by On June 6 it appeared in French at under the title "Le Danemark, après l'affaire des caricatures".

It is a report on recent developments in Denmark after the Muhammed Crisis has disappeared from the international headlines. As we have reported, the very islamists who set the affair in motion have reason to consider subsequent developments as an outstanding success, which has given them semiofficial recognition and increased their political and moral standing with the security police.

Only yesterday Minister for Church Affairs Bertel Haarder -- who found his name on an official enemies list issued with impunity by The Islamic Faith Community -- admitted that he no longer dares speak his mind for fear of having to live under police protection (Jyllands-Posten 11 June 2006).

Since the Muhammed Affair Denmark may fairly be described as a place where not even members of the government dare speek freely for fear of being killed -- and where those who openly threaten their critics are praised by the police and treated as victims by the academic, cultural and media elites.

Best wishes
Lars Hedegaard and Helle Merete Brix

To read the complete damned chilling information go to my blog.


  1. I think lars Hedegaard and Helle Brix are gravely mistaken. Haarders article was merely a wake-up call. He had the courage to call the monster by its real name : Fear. And I see absolutely no sign of caving in here in Denmark. OK, there are no Motoons in the papers right now, but just consider the numbers from two recent polls (Berlingske Tidende, a MSM with a 'moderate' audience) :

    "Do you consider Muslims a positive contribution to Danish society ?"
    Yes : 21% No : 79% (> 3000 votes)

    "Do you think that Danish public schools are too considerate towards Muslim students ?"
    Yes : 97% No : 3% (> 3000 votes).

    Dhimmitude in Denmark ? - Not until Hell freezes over.

  2. "And I see absolutely no sign of caving in here in Denmark."

    Wonderful to hear!

    You made my day!

  3. Yes, I think Kepiblanc is correct. The people of Denmark do seem to be standing strong. My question is, are the politicians so strong?

  4. I too think kepiblanc is correct -- true Denmark has its share of useful idiots and dhimmis, but their number doesn't seem to grow, quite the contrary... And the ones that complain about the tone of the debate, is getting more and more desperate themselves and digging an even bigger hole for themselves (Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, Thøger Seidenfaden, et. al.) very few people take them serious anymore.

  5. "And I see absolutely no sign of caving in here in Denmark."

    happy to hear that. makes me even happier to carry a danish flag sticker on my automobile.

  6. the name of the country is Denmark. That implies that the country is where Danes are and the culture language and national identity is Danish.

    The very point of the coutnry is to foster the idea and future of Danish people.

    A mass of unassimilated immigrants who do not subscribe to Danish customs, will over time end the existence of Denmark; the country will become a place with a history, maybe a government and nothing to distinguish itself from anywhere else.

    It is very clear that the Danish people are much further along towards cutting back on Islamization of their country than are their leaders.

    The only thinkg one can do when your leaders are weak and feckless is choose leaders who aren't.

    If I were danish, I would circulate a national petition recalling the government and restoring the welfare of the Danish people as the foremost duty of the national govenrment.

  7. I'm Dutch and I very much admire the Danes.
    At least they have the guts to speak out.

    Their Queen Margrethe hasn't got the dhimmi attitude our queen Beatrix has.

    Our queen, Bea, had the nerve to visit a mosque - right here, in the Netherlands - where she walked bare-footed and didn't shake hands with the Imam because islam says not to touch another woman unless she's your wife

    In other words: She betrayed the equality between men and women.

    She betrayed her people.
    Like her grandmother did during WWII.

    I'm also envious at Denmark's Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
    He had the guts to refuse to give an apology for the cartoons.

    Here, in the Netherlands, our PM, Jan-Peter Balkenende visited a muslim-school while Theo van Gogh was still bleeding because a muslim had shot him, cut his throat and knifed a letter in his belly threatening Ayaan Hirsi Ali and some politicians who had critizised islam.

    That is what our leaders do.
    Heaven help us.

    Go Danes!
