
Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Winds of War

From The Gathering Storm

I’m not the only one who believes the Islamists have a clear, precise, over all goal to recreate the Caliphate and dominate the entire world with their fascist ideology – and do this through a long and patient and mostly non-violent process of softening up the free world to create an Islamic society like the Taliban’s, using the strict Wahabi philosophy as their stated goal.

Daniel Pipes’ Middle East Forum has created the Islamist Watch Project to reveal and “combat the ideas and institutions of nonviolent, radical Islam in the United States and other Western countries.”

The Project hits the nail on the head when it states, “Quietly, lawfully, peacefully, Islamists do their work throughout the West to impose aspects of Islamic law, win special privileges for themselves, shut down criticism of Islam, create Muslim-only zones, and deprive women and non-Muslims of their full civil rights. Lawful Islamists advance their cause through lobbying politicians, intimidating the media, threatening international boycotts, making predatory use of the legal system, advancing novel legislation, influencing the contents of school textbooks, and in other ways exploiting the freedoms of an open society. They advance their agenda in incremental steps, each of which in itself is minor but in the aggregate point to fundamental changes in society.”

There you have it. A perfect description of the softening up process being used today by the Islamists. And in addition to the examples I have given in this blog of intimidation, infiltration, disinformation and appeasement, Pipes adds these examples.

Pipes adds, “Perhaps most alarming is how the Islamists currently dominate the Muslim political scene in every Western society, without exception. They control the mosques, publish the weeklies, host the Internet sites, run the schools, write the op-eds, appear on talk shows, engage in ecumenical activities, and enjoy access to politicians.”

Patriots - start your checklists.


  1. Thanks for compiling such a list, WC. I have read of all those things before, but to see it all at once, is like a real-time demonstration of the walls closing in on us.

  2. This is from one of my old posts. I'll try and add some more as we go along but choose the one's that are timeless.

  3. So, we are on the receiving end of a long-term, perfectly legal war of cultural attrition. And when one school board, city council, college or whatever caves in, it sets a precedent which helps keep the snowball rolling.

    Of course we need to defend ourselves from this 'death by a thousand cuts', but if we concentrate on nothing but defense we shall eventually lose.

    The obvious question is, can we wage a cultural war of attrition against Islam? Although much of the MSM have been intimidated from making direct criticisms of Islam, the blogosphere remains free. (For the moment. I'm sure the Muslims have plans to get it censored).

    But it is also possible to make indirect criticisms of Islam through Jahiliya - non-Muslim culture; particularly those aspects such as music, theatre and the visual arts that are forbidden in Islam. We need to educate our young people to appreciate, preserve, and develop the best of our cultural heritage.

    Also, wherever possible, we must project all forms of Jahilyya into Muslim communities and countries by any means at our disposal.
