
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

WORLD CUP: UGH.....WTF, an apology?

And here I thought it was all so fabulous. But short lived it was.
One man's beauty is another man's opportunity to spew JewWorld_cup_1 hate.

"He is obviously unaware of the implications of what he did. He's unaware of international politics. We apologise to anybody who was offended and we promise that it will never happen again.

Waving an Israeli flag offends people? Merely waving the Israeli flag is a political act? How so?

"He did not act out of malice for the Arab people or in support of Israel. He was naive... we don't need to punish him."

Punish him for what? Waving the flag of a sovereign nation?

It's enough to induce projectile vomiting. Full story here and here. Defender John Paintsil was very popular in Israel where he plays for Hapoel Tel Aviv and had wanted to acknowledge the Israeli fans who had travelled to Germany to support him, Abbey said.

"He's unaware of international politics. We apologise to anybody who was offended," said Abbey. (Hat tap Reality show)

You mean he was unaware of how much Jew hatred there is in the international communitay.

So far as I know Paintsil hasn't apologized and I would be shocked if he did. Anyone with a spine like that will not be cowed so easily, IMAO.

UPDATE: Poor Paintsil, he has no idea what he's in for. Now he'll know what it is to be a .... Jew. Carl in Jerusalem has the latest disgusting developments here;

Egypt: Ghanian soccer player a Mossad agent

This morning, it turns out that the complaints come from the third largest recipient of US foreign aid, a country that has a 'peace treaty' with Israel. That country is Egypt of course (Iraq pushed them from second to third place in the foreign aid race this year). Egypt has accused Pantsil of being - guess what - a Mossad agent:

"The ignorant and stupid Paintsil, who spent 20 days in Egypt during the last African Nations Cup, plays for Hapoel," sports commentator Alaa Sadek wrote in the daily Al-Akhbar, explaining to baffled Egyptian audiences Painstil's link to Israel.
Some papers described Paintsil as a "Mossad agent", others said "an Israeli had paid him to do it" but the most elaborate theory was offered by the top-selling state-owned daily Al-Ahram.

"The real reason," sports analyst Hassan el-Mestekawi wrote, stems from the fact that many Ghanaian players go through football training camps set up by an Israeli coach who "discovered the treasure of African talent, and abused the poverty of the continent's children" with the ultimate goal of selling them off to European clubs.

"The training program for these children starts every morning with a salute to the Israeli flag," Mestekawi claimed.

Another party apparently upset by Pantil's act was FIFA - the world soccer governing body.

FIFA said they had taken note of the flag-waving and that although there was nothing in the rules to prevent it, they hoped not to see a repetition.

What do you expect from the people who considered sanctioning Israel for bombing an empty soccer field in Gaza that was being used to fire Kassams (and eventually financed the stadium repair)? I wonder what would have happened if someone had waved a 'Palestinian' flag.


  1. Ugh! Even waving an Israeli flag is unacceptable.

    So much for the freedom and nonpoliticization of the Olympics.

    I'm disgusted with the dhimmitude and anti-Semitism. Beyond disgusted--angry, very angry.

  2. Great post, horrible situation. Think they'll make him wear a Star of David armband from now on? To paraphrase The Joker, "This world needs an enema!"

  3. So the massed armies of the Scummah are attacking this very brave lone guy for waving the Israeli flag.

    And yet these baby-cousin-fucking worshippers of Satan's turd Mohammed seem to have given up on preventing the display of the other flag of the Glorious Zionist Crusader Alliance.

    Why don't the Scummah try to confiscate the equally politically incorrect Saint George flag from the English Football Hooligans?

    Now that really would be the Mother of All Jihads!
