
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Covering up Iran's role in the Khobar Tower bombing

From Gertz, sub reqd, exceprted:

Ten years later, the United States is no closer in capturing Ahmed Ibrahim Al Mughassil and the other Iranian agents who bombed a U.S. military residential building in Saudi Arabia killing 19 Americans.

Al Mughassil was believed to be living comfortably in Teheran, safe from U.S. indictment and prosecution. The Clinton administration failed to press Iran for Al Mughassil's prosecution. Not until George W. Bush became president in 2001 did the United States acknowledge Teheran's role in the bombing. That role included orders from the ruling mullahs, Defense Ministry and Intelligence Ministry to kill Americans.

Indeed, the current U.S. offer to Iran for an incentive package in exchange for the suspension of uranium enrichment contains no mention that Teheran has to get out of the terrorism business. This is in contrast to the 2002 negotiation between Washington and Libya.

"There is plenty of evidence that Iran's WMD [weapons of mass destruction] and terrorism policy are fully linked," a U.S. government consultant on Iran said. "There is evidence that Iran was deeply involved in 9/11 as well. But the administration does not want to raise this issue."

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