
Friday, July 28, 2006

Israel Doing the World's Dirtiest Work


In what was Israel's deadliest day, Hizbullah Used Civilians, Mosques in Attack on IDF

Hizbullah refused to allow civilians to leave their village and used mosques in their ambush on IDF soldiers at Bint Jbeil Wednesday. Names of the nine fallen soldiers were released. Morale is high. more

Hezb'Allah jihadis are barbarians. And while the world sits in abject judgment of Israel, tsk tsk tsking - Israel cleans up the international community's abortion. Decades of appeasement and financing of this insane Islamic Jihad movement coming home to roost.

All this polite conversation of a "multi-national peacekeeping force" (what fraking peace?) Bottom line is no one country has volunteered any troops, not one single country.Why? Because they are scared to death. Because they saw what happened to our 241 Marines back in 1982. Because if the Israelis can't cap these jihadis, who can? What could an international keystone cops force accomplish?

The savages use women, children to hide behind. The animals shoot from people's homes while the family still lives there, holding them hostage. That should be the "humanitarian crisis" the U.S. Sec'y of State Condi Rice is referring to when she says, Prevent Humanitarian Crisis in Lebanon. Nonsense. And why are the leftists, Islamists, internationalists, dictating the world dialogue? Humanitarian crisis is not the real issue of the day. The real humanitarian crisis is the thousands of indiscriminately fired katuyshas into civilian cities and towns all over Israel.

And once again Israel has thankless task of cleaning up the rot and sickness that is a pox unto the world. General Halutz is in my prayers.

Syria Warns It Will Strike Israel Deeper

PHOTO: ISRAELI CASUALTIES: Three Israeli soldiers who were wounded in Lebanon yesterday are evacuated to Rambam hospital in the city of Haifa in northern Israel. Eight soldiers were killed and 22 injured during fighting with Hezb'Allah yesterday. Photo NY Sun


  1. Israel may have to do the dirtiest work of all, taking out Iran's nukes. I'm guessing the repercussions will be horrible. Hopefully, America will stand behind Israel. At this point, it looks like, while Bush knows what it right, he doesn't seem to believe he has the political will to do it.

  2. Sorry that you have some of your soldiers are murtered while they were killing civilians...
