
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

North Korean Launches Missile Into Sea Of Japan

Officials still not sure what it was they launched:

TOKYO - North Korea test-launched a missile Wednesday that landed in the Sea of Japan, Japanese media reported.

The reclusive communist state launched the missile at 3:32 a.m., or 2:32 p.m. Tuesday EDT, and it crashed into the Sea of Japan several minutes later, public broadcaster NHK reported. NHK said Japanese government officials were trying to determine whether it was a long-range ballistic missile that had been readied for launch recently.

North Korea had been thought to be preparing a test-launch of its Taepodong 2 missile, which is believed to be able to reach parts of the United States. Officials were not immediately available to confirm the report.

Watch out for cockroach-like space alien creatures to begin washing up on the shores of Japan.

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