
Monday, August 21, 2006

France, the Appeaser who feeds the Hezbo crocodile, hoping it will eat him last

Observers better informed than Atlas believe the French never had any intention of sending troops, disarming Hizbullah, or anything remotely like that. They just wanted to get the Israelis out of there, and came up with whatever they thought anyone wanted to hear.

France Hesitates Over UN Force
Le Monde reported that France wanted to send just a dozen officers and 200France_dying personnel from an engineering division for the beefed-up UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). Many diplomats had expected France to provide at least 2,000 men. Such a move could seriously delay the UN mission or even scupper the operation.(Reuters/Washington Post)

Le Monde also reported that the French went to the Iranians and asked for reassurance that their soldiers would not be targeted in Lebanon.

According to Nidra Poller here, French media are casting Hezb'Allah in a soft, warm light with all the blame going to Israel. Meanwhile they play down the UK jihad terror plot on the airplanes (to the point of non-existence.) The message being, the real threat is from Israel, not from Muslims.


[...] over at France2, last night's broadcast showed Hezbollah moving in, in force and in full view (see "Liban : la FINUL élargie et le déploiement des forces libanaises" "Lebanon: UNIFIL increases, and the deployment of Lebanese forces', 13 minutes into the video. Please note the video's available until 2PM EDT today).

Hezbollah, in fact, has beaten the Lebanese government to the punch. It's not keeping a low profile at all.

The next report ("Liban: le Hezbollah prend les devants", "Lebanon: Hezbollah helps the homeless") by reporter Samah Soula shows bombed areas of Beirut where Hezbollah architects are going through the Shiite neighborhoods. One of architecs, Ali Chouka, says that people on the streets are approaching them for help in the reconstruction.

Mytus says the Hezbos are using US counterfeit dollars for reconstruction. Pathetic.

The reporter next shows an office of sorts where several Hezbollah employees (six France_islamist_3 on screen) have set up desks and are writing down information from people apparently displaced by the destruction; other hezbollah workers are pointing at spots on a map in the adjacent wall. A man, identified only as a homeless victim, says "The party will give me a year's worth of rent money, and money to buy furniture." Dr. Zineb Haibar, says, "we trust Hezbollah to keep their promises". Cheikh Mounir, Hezbollah spokesman in charge of that district, says Hezbollah will deliver on what it promises because "Hezbollah has money".

"From where?", asks Soula.
"It's no problem. Hezbollah has money".
Soula says, "money and meticulous organization worthy of the Soviet Union". Fausta has more

France Has Second Thoughts on Lebanon - Editorial

Where Did the French Go? - Editorial (Washington Post)

Snakes..........Nidra Poller wrote for Atlas last week;

What is the role of French diplomacy in the Lebanese conflict? President Chirac packaged it as a “humanitarian crisis”…only two days after the outbreak of hostilities. MFA Douste-Blazy inadvertently admitted that France has been calling for a cease fire…since the very beginning. Is France a secret ally of Hizbullah? Or simply a well-behaved dhimmi state? A dhimmi does not need to be told how to react to this or that incident, he just has to grasp the underlying concept of jihad conquest: jihadis can attack infidels, infidels do not have the right to strike back. If the conquering jihadis are in a position of supreme power, they decimate the conquered population and erect their version of the monument to the war dead-- a mountain of severed heads. But when the jihadis are fighting an uphill battle, as is the case in Lebanon today, their main line of defense is civilian suffering. The plight of the refugees, the dead and the injured, widows and orphans, the destruction of Lebanon--a coherent strategy designed to engage the international community in a concerted effort to force Israel to stop fighting and submit to Hizbullah’s demands.

Don’t apologize. Don’t apologize to European countries all dolled up with plaques and memorials to the Shoah and now mobilized to facilitate another extermination project. Don’t fall into European traps. Here in Europe local jihadis attack, then fall back and complain that Muslims are being persecuted. Don’t bow your head when Europeans shake their fingers. At the height of the conflict, and smack between two Ahmadinejad Jew-killing declarations, the French foreign minister shamelessly caressed Iran’s rump with one hand and fondled domestic Jew-hating immigrants with the other. Don’t apologize because there is no one on earth to apologize to. You can’t apologize to people who are sitting on the sidelines enjoying life while Israeli civilians suffocate in bunkers and Israeli soldiers courageously face death, fighting Hizbullah that is fighting for Iran that is fighting to destroy us all, Israelis, Americans, Europeans, Japanese, Indians…

Don’t apologize. Stand up to them the way you stand up to katyushas, and fight back against this lethal narrative jihad with equal valor and intelligence. No ordinary PR efforts can counter it. New methods are necessary, far more severe, far less defensive. Your critics do not care what you are fighting for or how nobly you are fighting; they run for cover, side with the villains, hide behind the killers. They have to declare Israel guilty because they are terrified at confronting the real force that is bearing down on them. You can’t reassure them by saying how good you are, how careful not to make tragic mistakes. Apologies feed their anguish, and their anguish is turned against us, against Jews. How dare we be so humane when subject to such vile aggression?

The injustice is beyond belief: the small nation of Israel has to fight against Iran, and as if that’s not enough, gets stabbed in the back while engaged in fierce battle.

It is abundantly clear to me now and when conceived, that France was playing us (and Israel) for patsies. Didn't we take them at their word in the lead up to the removal of that sadist Saddam?

“Chirac lied to the president of the United States, and then he ordered his Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin to do the same thing with Colin Powell.” And then, they pulled the plug. More here

Fool me, once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me you're a Frenchman. What do these clowns think? What they couldn't accomplish historically or militarily, they will achieve through pranks? That they will placate their Muslim underclass and avoid the impending social catastrophe? Their unequivocal Pali support over the past ten years did little to stave off devastating violence in the streets late last year into early this year. Al Dura was the only "successful" theatrical release out of France since Belle Du Jour. But no matter.

Israel is left holding the bag (Iranian no less.) Condi is looking like a rookie with œuf battu on her face. But unlike Iraq, I do not think France will be successful this time in discrediting American policy. France has proved itself liBlogger: Infidel Bloggers Alliance :: Edit Post ' Infidel Bloggers Alliance 'mp and spineless yet again. A joke........ why we played their three card monty I cannot begin to understand.

The ceasefire is a sham. The worst thing for free peoples everywhere. Israel needs new leadership and so, it seems, does our State department.


UPDATE: European pussies pull out pf Lebanon ceaefire resolution


  1. France in a very awkward position, but one it has gotten itself into several decades ago. France counts a very strong muslim community, heritage of their previous maghrebian presence. Moreover, the social urban architecture built around the "dormitories-suburbs" lacking any social interaction points of interest (like pubs, libraries etc) has proved bankrupt during the recent car-burning clashes.

    So, they're between rock and the hardplace, and without the slightest political ability to navigate these murky waters, no wonder they stray so much from the correct course of action.

    Then again, they have only themselves to blame...
