Some of the scum who were part of the plot to blow up planes flying from Britain to the US were native Brits who converted to Islam. From what I've seen across the web, there is much to suggest that a considerable amount of Brits in the UK were indoctrinated enough to join up with the ROP. Here's some samples of converts I could find. For example, at Exposing Islam, there is:
Yvonne Ridley, a former British journalist who converted to Islam 30 months after being captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan. She also sits on the national council of Respect, a UK political party, and stood as a Respect candidate in the last general election.And then, there's Don Stewart-Whyte, one of three suspects in the liquid bombing plot who converted, and even changed his name to an Islamic one:
HIGH WYCOMBE, ENGLAND — Don Stewart-Whyte drove a compact car but suggested he'd rather have a Porsche. He married young to a bride that friends and neighbors seldom saw, save for the few times she came out of the modest brick house the couple shared with his mother.A former hairdresser?!? Ladies, stay far away from diablos like that!
The young man who mowed lawns as a teenager in this hilly, suburban town of red-brick homes northwest of London was hardly the type who would come to mind in an audacious plot to use liquid explosives to bring down as many 10 jetliners over the mid-Atlantic.
But as Abdul Waheed, the name Stewart-Whyte adopted after converting to Islam six months ago, he has drawn international interest following reports he is among the 23 people in custody for the alleged plot to set off bombs aboard flights from Britain to the United States.
The former hairdresser was apparently one of three converts to Islam among those arrested in raids Thursday, all of whom appeared to lead ordinary lives and come from middle class or working class families.
There is also the neo-nazi David Myatt, who changed his name to Abdul Aziz, and also David Copeland:
A NEO-NAZI whose ideas were said to be the inspiration for the man who let off a nail bomb in Central London in 1999 has converted to an extremist form of Islam.Let's also not forget Richard Reid, the attempted shoe bomber. Another worthy article about converts to Islam in Britain is this one from The Times (via Jihad Watch), which talks about Oliver(Ibrahim) Savant.
David Myatt, a founder of the hardline British National Socialist Movement (NSM) who has been jailed for racist attacks, has changed his name to Abdul Aziz ibn Myatt. David Copeland, who is serving six life sentences after three people died in his Soho bomb attacks, was a member of the NSM.
Myatt is reportedly the author of a fascist terrorist handbook and a former leader of the violent far-right group Combat 18. But now — in his mid-50s and sporting a red, bushy beard — he subscribes to radical Islamist views.
The Brussels Journal says that in the UK, the Labour government's been willing to endanger national security for the sake of multi-culti agendas. That too is a leading part of the problem, that they blandly tolerate the intolerant, and let it go out of control. As long as they keep on with it, the danger will still run rampant.
Great article. The one thing that I was interested in is the neo-nazi that joined islam. I've done some research on Islam and it's ties to the nazi's. Go to
for some pictures and articles about how hitler embraced the muslims on his "Final solution".
Jeff Davis
One of the most lethal Brit converts is journalist Yvonne Ridley. She's one tough antisemitic bitch. In the old days she'd have been a Communist Party operative. Click here for all about Yvonne.
ReplyDeleteAnd some accuse Ann Coulter of being mean....
Thanks for the addendum, everybody.
ReplyDelete@ religion of pieces
ReplyDeletePERFECT! This is an absolutely perfect analysys of the islam based aggression. You are right and I would add: the lost testosterone. Or an invetarate uncapability to handle with it. Young males feeling uncomfortable about themselves because the are not allowed to go through their oedipus' stage. Too many strings, too many barriers to let the surplus of testosterone flow. Islam is masculine = not intelligent. I have always been telling: send those guys free PLAYBOY magazines stright out of a plane. Send them porn via satelite. Free. Dutyfree. I am sure it works. As simple as that.