
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The IDF Begins To Close The Trap

Freedom Fighter, at Joshua Pundit, believes Israel has been playing taqiyya with Hizbollah by putting out negative reports on their progrees, or lack thereof, in the war:

As I predicted earlier, reports of Israel `losing' the war are a tad premature, and the Israelis had a tactical surprise for Hezbollah up their sleeves.

The IDF used helicopters to drop a large IDF force at the Shiite village of Shraifa just west of Hizballah’s stronghold at Baalbek in the Bek'aa Valley. They now have Hezbollah's Bek'aa Valley commander Muhammad Yazbek fighting for his life in heavy clashes around the Dar al Hikmeh Hospital, which Hezbollah converted into a headquarters.

The IAF hit numerous Hezbollah positions in the Bek'aa valley with heavy airstrikes, especially Hermel, where Sheik Nasrallah and his command staff are reportedly hiding. And from the Mediterranean, Israel naval artillery pounded Hizballah rocket sites on the Lebanese shore.

Go read the rest at Joshua Pundit.

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