Parental love is instinctive both in animals and in humans. These pictures are to show the level of brainwashing that it takes to make a parent harm and mutilate his own toddler to appease his imaginary deity.
From Faith Freedom.
A Shiite mother rejoices after inflicting wounds on the head of her toddler .

A father cutting his son to bleed as penitence for the killing of Imam Hussein
A loving father teaching "religious values" to his son, Islamic way.

A proud mother watching her son bleed. The more pain the greater the reward. After this she is assured of paradise.
I think the above is uniquely a Shi'a practice, during the holy day of Ashura, whose significance is largely unknown to me but that is just further an example of my ignorance here.
ReplyDeleteIt does appear ugly indeed, this um, head-cutting stuff. But I don't think the "look, lesser than animals" subtext helps. Pretty extreme symbolism nonetheless.
this is not TRUE Islam... Shi'a muslims are not TRUE muslims.
ReplyDeletePray tell us, who are the true Muslims?