The comparisons of today to the 1930s and Nazi Germany, and fascism to Islamists and Islamism – those who wish to conquer the world for Islam has been gathering steam over the last few months - especially when even Bush called our enemy Islamo-fascists.
But these reports miss one the most insidious tactics of infiltration and their use by the Islamist’s sidekicks - the Liberal Left.
There’s an interesting article written by Berit Kjos on The Nazi Model for Outcome-Based Education. Itbares an eerie resemblance to what is going on in our educational system today. The article concerns itself with the concept of national mastery learning and how it will create human puppets, not independent thinkers.
“That propaganda and indoctrination were two of the cornerstones of Nazi education is no secret. Hitler's goal was National Socialism, a fascist state that would subdue the world. Learning his lessons from Soviet revolutionaries, he knew that only cloaked promises and misleading visions could win the support of the unsuspecting masses -- and build a compliant army of young radicals.”
Now here’s the creepy part. Think about what the Left has done and what the liberal educational institutions and MSM have supported. Here they are.
Change the children first: "The Nazi leadership appreciated the difficulty of indoctrinating the older generation.... They were all the more determined to mold the new generation along Nazi lines. As the leader of the Nazi Teacher's League, Hans Schemm, put it: 'Those who have the youth on their side control the future.'" Create world-class citizen: "...create a new type of student..."
Condition students for the new social and economic order: "German youth must no longer... be confronted with the choice of whether it wishes to grow up in a spirit of materialism or idealism, of racism or internationalism, of religious or godlessness, but it must be consciously shaped according to principles which are recognized as correct...according to the principles of the ideology of National Socialism."
Restructure schools and nationalize tests and standards: "the regime endeavored to assert its control over the education system through reorganization and centralization..." Affective (feeling-centered, attitudinal), not cognitive, learning earns the graduation certificate. (Liberal feel – Conservatives think.)
Condition students to become social servants, not individuals--but tell the public the opposite: "'...the principal task of the school is the education of youth in the service of ... the State in the National Socialist spirit.' This made clear the Nazi's determination to shift the focus of education away from the needs of the individual and the development of his potential as a human being to the requirements of the community of nation and State, of which the individual was a member and to which he must subordinate himself."
Politically correct standards for right and wrong: "Munich professors [were warned]: 'From now on it is not up to you to decide whether or not something is true, but whether it is in the interest of the national Socialist Revolution." (Our current education system at work) Set affective, not cognitive, goals (outcomes): "The more enthusiastic they get, the easier are the exams and the sooner they will get a position .... The new generation has never had much use for education and reading. Now nothing is demanded of them; on the contrary, knowledge is publicly condemned." Forget facts. Teach "right" attitudes or "character" through feel-good experiences. in secondary schools, were alienated by the crudity of its indoctrination."
Create new beliefs and values through multicultural and global education: "New courses were introduced in such fields as racial studies, eugenics, and defense studies and there was a new emphasis on pre-history... Law and political science courses were adapted to fit in with the changes introduced by the regime."
New content: " addition to controlling and indoctrinating the teaching profession, reorganizing the education system and establishing new elite schools, the regime sought to influence youth through the content of what was taught in schools." "Relevance" and historical revision: "The course of history must not appear to our young people as a chronicle which strings events together indiscriminately, but, as in a play, only the important events, those which have a major impact on life, should be portrayed."
First indoctrinate teachers: "The real task of the NSLB is to create the new German educator in the spirit of National Socialism. It is being carried out with the same methods with which the movement has conquered the whole nation: indoctrination and propaganda." Certify compliant teachers. "The Nazi party... realized they could do little with the existing professors if they outwardly conformed. They concentrated, therefore, on trying to transform the profession by controlling entry and promotion within it through process of political indoctrination...."
Block the negative influence of parents and traditional culture: "...these boys join our organization at the age of ten...four years later, they move from the Jungvolk to Hitler Youth and there we keep them for another four years. And then we are even less prepared to give them back into the hands of those who create our class and status barriers..." Punish parents who protect their children from state indoctrination: "A legal guardian will be liable to a fine up to 150 RM or to imprisonment, if he deliberately contravenes the stipulation #9 of this decree (registration for Hitler Youth)." Vouchers and Christian schools: "Private schools and denominational schools gradually succumbed to various pressures: the loss of government subsidies or tax concessions...."
When I hear some person spout some incoherent drivel about how America is going down the tubes, I automatically think that he or she is a product of our public education system. We are incapable of fighting this war as long as we have a large number of “human puppets, not independent thinkers” that seem be produced by the Left who are more interested in fighting the war ‘correctly’ - or in the words of John Kerry ”fight a more sensitive war on terror” – then winning it.
Amen! You nailed it perfectly.
ReplyDeleteThere's no way the West can survive until we reform the cancer that is the public education system. Australia, New Zealand and Britain suffer exactly the same problems.
Strange coincidence, eh?
We don't have time to change the education before the war Islam. We do have time to attack political correctness and make some headway there.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it is a bad idea to follow analogies as far you have. People don't listen after the third point and you seems a little paranoid. I certainly thought your analogies were strained at many points. And it's important to remember that public and private education systems both have had incentives to avoid teaching people clear thinking. Many private groups have been open about their brainwashing of children. For instance, the Jesuits claimed that if give them a boy until the age of seven, then they will have him for life.
We don't have time to change the education before the war with Islam. We do have time to attack political correctness and make some headway there.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it is a bad idea to follow analogies as far as you have. People don't listen after the third point and it makes you seem a little paranoid. I certainly thought your analogies were strained at many points. And it's important to remember that public and private education systems both have had incentives to avoid teaching people clear thinking. Many private groups have been open about their brainwashing of children. For instance, the Jesuits claimed that if give them a boy until the age of seven, then they will have him for life.