
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Tony Blair Rears His Pretty Head

Tony Blair appears to be back in the game:

Blair said the international community should tell Syria and Iran that they should either play by the same rules as the rest of the world "or be confronted."

"Their support of terrorism, their deliberate export of instability, their desire to see wrecked the democratic prospect in Iraq, is utterly unjustifiable, dangerous and wrong.

"If they keep raising the stakes, they will find they have miscalculated," Blair said in a speech to the World Affairs Council, a nonprofit organization in Los Angeles.

Roger Simon comments:

This war in Lebanon gets more dramatic every day as its implications widen. It may be hastening the disintegration of Iran and Syria faster than anything any of us had anticipated. When things start to unravel, they can go very quickly.

The Syrians have stood by impotently with major operations within miles of their border. Will they do something? They are damned if they don't but even more damned if they do.


  1. Blair stepping forward and even ahead of Bush? With Israel more untied than it’s been in decades, the US Congress voting 410 to 8, and even a few scared Arab dictators worried, it looks like Iran has miscalculated.

    Martin Kramer believes Iran has used its Hezbollah card too soon: “If Hezbollah had understood this fully, it would have laid very low until needed by Iran in a mega-crisis with the United States. At that point, its threats against Israel would have been added to the overall deterrent capabilities of Iran, and might have caused the United States to think twice. Hezbollah apparently didn't understand this. If Iran was directly involved in the decision, it also shows an erosion of discipline in Iran's own decision-making process. Iran had nothing to gain from this little adventure, and a lot to lose. It may well be that President Ahmadinejad's rhetoric is beginning to cloud judgment in Tehran.”

  2. Hmmm. Perhaps the rhetoric is preparing us for news? Could be.
