
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What Kind of People Are They?

Thomas Sowell says what needs to be said (hat tip Rebecca):

It is hard to think of a time when a nation -- and a whole civilization -- has drifted more futilely toward a bigger catastrophe than that looming over the United States and western civilization today. Nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran and North Korea mean that it is only a matter of time before there are nuclear weapons in the hands of international terrorist organizations. …

What kind of people provide a market for videotaped beheadings of innocent hostages? What kind of people would throw an old man in a wheelchair off a cruise liner into the sea, simply because he was Jewish? What kind of people would fly planes into buildings to vent their hate at the cost of their own lives? These are the kinds of people we are talking about getting nuclear weapons.

I should add, what kind of people would kill over a cartoon? What kind of people would sentence a man to death for changing his religion? Or sentence to death a woman for being an “adulterer” because she was raped with too few witnesses? What kind of people pound into their children the dream of being a human bomb, as is common in the Arab school system in the West Bank? Or kill their daughter for wanting to be a woman? Shall I go on? Let’s return to Mr. Sowell:

Do we understand that the world will never be the same after hate-filled fanatics gain the ability to wipe whole American cities off the face of the earth? Do we still imagine that they can be bought off, as Israel was urged to buy them off with "land for peace" -- a peace that has proved to be wholly illusory? … We are fast approaching the point of no return.

Update: Read Jaime's post below where he reminds us that "Iran is at war with us, whether we want to accept it or not. Just as Hitler was at war with Civilization long before 1939." Also, read Robert Tracinski where he sees signs that we've "begun to wake up to the fact that "Iran is the new Nazi Germany" and to realize that it needs to be confronted. ... But it is very late."


  1. You are full of hate, blogger.
    I will pray for you to learn tolerance, love, and compassion for our fellow people.

  2. but John...Israel already received world condemnation for the number of civilian deaths that occurred in Lebanon

    The weapons are "probably" coming from Syria and Iran...but unless there's UNDENIABLE proof government officials of Syria and Iran signed the ok, imagine world opinion (or just middle east opinion) if Israel started bombing the sovereign nations of Iran and Syria?

  3. What kind of people are they? Well, despite all the continued IslamExpos, Islamic Awareness Weeks and other Taqiyya-Fests, Islam, its culture and its followers are worthless and useless – and they know it!

    Here’s a comment by ‘Waltz’ at al-Grauniad, of all places, which shows why all cultures are equal only in the minds of moonbats, not in the opinions of the general public.
    "...There are a lot of differences between Britain's "Muslim communities" and other ethnic minority communities. One glaringly obvious one is that Islamic culture produces nothing of interest to the majority non-Muslim population either in Britain or the wider world. While Chinese, Jewish, Hindu and Sikh Indian and other minority groups can take considerable pride in the admiration lavished upon their past and present cultural achievements - in the arts, cinema, the sciences, music etc - Muslim youths have scarcely anything to feel proud about. The problem of disaffection begins with the simple fact that Muslims come from a culture that has been largely barren for the past 500 years and which, in recent times, has won the world's attention only for its belligerence and violence. There's no answer to this; the problem is one of a fundamental cultural bankruptcy and humiliation that manifests in extremism wherever it encounters richer, more creative cultures - be they Western, Indian, Thai, or whatever. “ from

    Muslims have nothing to contribute to their host societies but disruption, death and disaster. They simply do not belong in the modern world. A well balanced Muslim is one with a chip on each shoulder.

    Q : ‘What’s the difference between Dar al-Islam and a pot of bio-yogurt?
    A: A living culture.
