
Friday, September 22, 2006

Enabling Extremism

Please read Ami Isseroff's take on the controversy surrounding the lecture of the Pope and more in general, the problem of contemporary Islam.

Ami takes on Rami Khouri, a moderate Muslim, who wrote this article for the Daily Star. Khouri, in short, calls on Westerners to censor themselves. Not because there is, according to him, anything generally wrong with being critical about (certain) religions, but because Islam is an important part of many Muslims' personal identity and as such, it is logical for them to feel 'insulted' a little bit more easy than most Westerners.

The problem with such a reasoning is, of course, that one simply enables extremists to keep their hold on the Muslim world. Moderate Muslims should, instead of asking people not to criticize Islam in any way shape or form, try to make fellow Muslims 'enlightened', or 'reasonable' (regarding their religion).

Cross posted at Liberty and Justice.

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