
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Musharraf To UN: We Need A Ban On "Defamation Of Islam"

From Australian News:

PAKISTANI President Pervez Musharraf today called for a ban on the "defamation of Islam" in a speech to the UN General Assembly in which he took a veiled swipe at Pope Benedict XVI for his remarks linking the Muslim faith to violence.

"We also need to bridge, through dialogue and understanding, the growing divide between the Islamic and Western worlds," General Musharraf told the 192-member assembly.

"It is imperative to end racial and religious discrimination against Muslims and to prohibit the defamation of Islam."

In an indirect reference to Pope Benedict XVI, he said, "It is most disappointing to see personalities of high standing oblivious of Muslim sensitivities at these critical moments".

Religion, along with the government, and the media, is an extremely powerful institution within a culture. We must be able to criticize powerful institutions within our culture. If we can not, then the power of the institution is unchecked, leaving the institution to run amok and become inhuman.

We can see that this has already happened with Islam in Islamic countries. Islam is able to get away with the inhuman things done in its name precisely because it is allowed to be beyond criticism.

Anyone who attempts to make a case against the Pope's comments, or against the Danish cartoons, or against this blog for that matter, is inviting the same conditions to take hold in the Western world.

Women, say hello to your burkas. Gay people, say hello to the big rock that will drop on your head. Dhimmis, submit to the jizya.


  1. Any legal ban on the "defamation" of Islam -- i.e., any prohibition issued by a governmental or pseudo-governmental (i.e., U.N.) agency able to uphold such a ban through the use of force -- must be greeted with the total abandonment of any restraint whatsoever in the vilification and derision of Islam, subject only to the bounds of truth and fact. To attempt to engage in an "intellectual dialogue" in pursuit of "understanding" between us and theocratic thugs holding guns to our heads would be obscene and would only lead to a swift slide into dhimmitude. Such "dialogue" with some Germans would still have been possible in the 1930s, but not if an injunction against "defamation" of Nazism was being enforced at the point of a gun EVERYWHERE, not just in the areas under German control. Which is what that s.o.b. Musharraf who is supposed to be our (hah!) ally is proposing.

    I regret the negative impact this will have on our ability to engage wtih the more honest Muslims such as the gentleman whose letter is posted over on, but on the other hand the writer of that letter is living proof that such Muslims have the intelligence and integrity to figure it out for themselves. I don't give a rodent's rear what the rest of them think. If working them up into a frenzy gets us to the point where we can finish them off faster, then so be it. Anyone with a grain of sense can now see that the time for soft words of reason has now passed and it is time to start treating these maniacs like the dangerous animals they are.

  2. It is sickening to realize that our government identifies Musharaf as one of our allies.

    Meanwhile, bin Laden exists in northern Pakistan in sanctuary.

    Pardon my french, but what the living fuck is going on here?

  3. I've just been inspired to blog.

  4. Steve,

    That Musharraf is giving safe haven to Bin Laden is just another example of the fact that we are not yet fighting a serious war.

  5. Islam is first and foremost an information-control cult. One of its primary objectives is to silence all criticism.

    It cannot withstand the light of truth and goes totally demented in the face of ridicule.

  6. ROP,
    Isn't it just downright astounding how insecure Islam is?

  7. Very well put, Rexie. I particularly like the first paragraph. You are correct. Our motives for appeasement have been complex, and, I do agree that people are growing in awareness of the threat, and of the ridiculousness of our the demands of our enemies.

    I think the change in the West, when it comes, will be swift and devastating to the Islamists.

    I only pray it does not fall too strongly on all the decent human beings, who happen to be Muslims, who work and play in our midst everyday.

  8. Free speech - use it or lose it.

    We must take every opportunity to criticise and ridicule Islam whenever possible. Islamophobia needs to be integrated into western thought patterns so it becomes second nature.

    With the current fatwa on the Pope a good opportunity has arisen to increase Islamic awareness among the world's (one billion?) Catholics. I've been touring round some of the Catholic blogs posting my 20 points (see below).

    It's surprising how many Catholic blogs there are (I guess I've only scratched the surface). Many of them are local and rather inward looking, being concerned mostly with details of Catholic observance.

    However the Muzzie tantrums seem to have been a wake up call, with recent posts referencing these events, though most of the bloggers don't really seem to understand the nature of the beast.

    Some education and increased Islamic awareness is required. Any blogger with a little spare time might consider searching for Catholic blogs and leaving comments and links pointing the bloggers in the right direction.

    20 points

    Twenty facts about Islam every infidel should know.

    Islam ...

    1) Is a mind-control and information-control cult founded by a murderer, torturer, brigand, rapist and pedophile called Mohammed. The mind-control and information-control aspects require that all criticism be silenced.

    2) Is Mohammed's personality cult. Has no foundations other than Mo's murderous rantings (Koran and Hadith). The Koran consists of two conflicting parts - Meccan and Medinan (peaceful and violent respectively). The Medinan stuff supersedes ('abrogates') the Meccan stuff. Muslims act Medinan, but quote Meccan verses to the gullible infidels.

    3) Claims to worship the same God as Christians and Jews, but in fact worships Allah - a demonic channelling through Mohammed's psychopathic ego. The Death Cult mixes garbled versions of Christian and Jewish scriptures with pagan practices such as moon and meteorite-worship, and cut-throat blood sacrifice of animals and non-believers.

    4) Has no rational, philosophical nor theological basis, and the whole belief-system is contradicted by science, philosophy, commonsense, human decency and internal inconsistency.

    5) Cannot withstand rational criticism. Can only spread and maintain itself by ignorance, illiteracy, war, terrorism, and intimidation. Islam has bloody borders and cannot co-exist peacefully with other belief systems. Winston Churchill said that Islam in a man is as dangerous as hydrophobia (rabies) in a dog.

    6) Has a superstitious dread of images of pigs, crosses, Buddhas, Saint George (and his flag) and of course Motoons.

    7) Regards Islamic women as semihuman. Wife-beating, incest and child abuse (including mufa’khathat or 'thighing' - the ritual abuse of infants) are encouraged.

    8) Regards all unbelievers (Kaffirs, Kuffar, Kufrs, Kafirs) as ritually unclean subhumans to be killed, subjugated, enslaved, exploited or parasitised. Kafirs are described by the Arabic word 'najis' - literally 'filth'. That's why Muslim hatred of Kafirs is intrinsic to their 'religion'. A Kafir doesn't need to DO anything to offend a Muslim, his very existence is enough of an affront.

    9) The ethical system applies only to Muslims. Allah encourages rape, pillage, extortion and enslavement of non-Muslims. Morality does not extend beyond the global gang (ummah). Muslim ethics are the ethics of the Mafia.

    10) Allah's followers are motivated by hatred, greed and lust. There is no love, mercy or compassion. Allah is vindictive, unpredictable, capricious and devious - "Allah leads astray whom he pleases".

    11) The only religion NOT founded on The Golden Rule. Morality is based on Mohammed's example. If Mohammed did it then it's OK for all Muslims. Hence the encouragement of rape, pillage, subjugation and murder of non-believers and the institutionalised pedophilia prevalent throughout Muslim society (justified by Mohammed's activities with Ayesha, his child sex-slave).

    12) All human relations are defined by Dominance/Subjugation. Muslims have schizoid inferiority/superiority complexes. (A well-balanced Muslim is one with a chip on each shoulder). They respect strength but despise compromise as weakness. Appeasement invites more aggression. The only political system which has been strong enough to subjugate Islam is Stalinism.

    13) Polygamy ensures alpha-males get extra women, leading to a shortage of women for the betas. Beta-males must either jerk off (a sin leading to hell), or form dog-packs and rape or capture kafir women as booty in a razzia, or else self-destruct in the presence of infidels then they can screw 72 mythical virgins in Allah's bordello in the sky. Beta-males are often encouraged by their relatives to become suicide bombers because of the belief that such murderous 'martyrs' will be able to intercede with Allah to take 70 of their relatives to paradise with them.

    14) Lying and deception of infidels (taqiyya) is encouraged. This may take many forms, including outright lies, feigned moderation, and condemnation of terrorist attacks to the Kaffir while rejoicing with fellow Muslims. All Muslims are victims of some group of Kafirs and harbor grudges against them and against Kafirs in general. Individuals may appear law-abiding and reasonable, but they are part of a totalitarian movement, and must be considered potential killers who can flip in an instant (SJS -'Sudden Jihad Syndrome').

    15) Muslims are forbidden to befriend Kaffirs except for purposes of deceit or where conversion may be possible.

    16) The Koran is Allah's final word and cannot be changed or challenged. To do so is punishable by death. Consequently, the Death Cult can never change or be reformed. The instructions to murder and rape infidels are just as valid now as the day they were written. Since Islam cannot be modernised, the Muslims are attempting to Islamise modernity. This requires spreading Islam in the West and simultaneously preventing any criticism of the cult by intimidation and PC legislation to curtail freedom of expression.

    17) Treaties and agreements with Kaffirs are made to be broken (Hudna). The word of a Muslim to a Kafir counts for nothing in the eyes of Allah.

    18) The world is divided between Dar-al-Islam and Dar-al-Harb (the domain of war, the Kufr lands). Muslims living in Dar-al-Harb must work to disrupt their host nations until these can be brought into Dar-al-Islam.

    19) Muslims have no obligation to their host nations and in fact are encouraged to parasitise them. Welfare fraud, identity theft, forgery etc are endemic in Western Muslim populations, and serious crime against Kaffirs is regarded as normal and justified. Extortion rackets against Kafirs are mandated by the Koran ('jizya' is the Arabic term for 'protection money' payable by Jews and Christians to Muslims).

    20) The attack on the host nation isn't just against its religion and economy, but is aimed at its very cultural identity. Islam is a complete system, including a culture, which Muslims regard as superior (despite all evidence to the contrary) to other cultures. Muslims are therefore required to destroy the symbols of 'Jahiliya' (sometimes sp. Jahiliyya) - non-Muslim culture. In the East this has included destruction of Hindu temples and Christian churches and replacement with mosques, and destruction of Buddhist artwork and universities and replacement with heaps of rubble. This process of cultural replacement is now beginning in the West...

  9. I'm with Revere. An official ban? On ridicule of any system of belief? Come on!! That is akin to something a delusional celebrity like Streisand would propose, a ban on anyone critical of her. Would the UN obligingly work in a provision for a ban on ridicule of ANY belief system/religion? And, either way, the UN could not enforce it. Some more politically correct bodies of the world could enforce this censorship however, such as the owners of such entities as Blogger and YouTube, media outlets, any corporation looking out for the bottom line, etc. That bodes ill for us all, as there is already the "threat factor" (or as I have called it, the "SCAIR Tactics") involved for anyone willing to openly criticize Islam. That brand of mafioso like power through fear has already worked quite well enough, especially when it comes to Muslims worming their way into Western societies while having Islamist-minded agendas. That any such request would even be considered by the UN is unbearable to me.

    How about this for a new UN Resolution: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."?
