
Thursday, September 21, 2006

Yes Our Culture Is Better

Klein Verzet has an interesting post up showing everyone the clear bias ruling the Dutch media these days. Controversial Dutch politician (yes, he dares speak out against Muslim extremism) Geert Wilders said, according to Klein Verzet, this:
I dare say our christian, jewish and humanistic culture is better than the islamic culture. We do not hang gays from cranes, we don't chop off hands in case of thievery. And I could go on citing many such examples.

As should be obvious he means "contemporary Christian, Jewish and Humanistic culture". The Leeuwarder Courant however, seems to have changed what he actually said into:
Wilders fulminated as always about down-sliding morals and immigration policy gone "completely mad". "Our christian culture just is better than the Jewish or the islamic culture. We do not hang gays from cranes". All cultures are not equal, according to Wilders.

And this is how 'we' treat those who dare speak out in favor of our Western culture. Question to the journalist who wrote the article for the Leeuwarder Courant: if you do not believe that one should be able to say that our culture is better than contemporary Islamic culture and, therefore, feel the need to make someone saying it nonetheless appear like a racist, why don't you just move to, say, Saudi Arabia, Iran or Pakistan?

It, shocker, almost seems as if certain journalists / newspapers have a political agenda of their own...

For the record: I most obviously agree with what Wilders said. Our Judeo-Christian culture is better than contemporary Islamic culture. For one, we do not blow up those who might disagree with us, we, indeed, do not hang homosexuals from cranes, we consider man and woman to be equals (thus women are not forced to wear a burqa because they have to hide their looks), the list goes on and on.

If I would not believe that our culture is better, I would instantly move abroad to one of the countries mentioned above.

Cross posted at Liberty and Justice.

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