
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Dedicated to Yasser Arafat and All The Men He Loved


  1. I remember my navy buddy Joe, a chef at the WH during the Clinton term, tell me that his breath smelled like dogshit.

    I have also heard that arafat had homosexual tendencies, and wonder if the story about him and two young german boys is true.

  2. This video is inappropriately homophobic and not funny. Also, disproval of multiculturism does not imply that we shouldn't recognize that some cultures are different than ours.

  3. Demosthenes,
    I understand your concern on that. I am pro-gay myself. I'm sure many of the people here at IBA are not.

    But, here's the thing, I want this video posted here because the Islamofascists are homophobic and this will bother them. Maybe you and any other person who is concerned about homophobia can understand that we have bigger fish to fry right now.

    Does that make sense?

  4. Demosthenes,
    I simply made a compilation of some huging and kissing pictures featuring Arafat. Well, some of those kisses very quite passionate, especially those with the priest, that I took from a video shown on the Israeli TV and available on the Internet.

    There is an account of Arafat's sexual excapades described in the memoirs of the general who was in charge of the Romanian intelligence. WND has an excerpt from his book.

  5. Pastorius,

    Personally, I'm not easily offended, and if it had been gay sex with Mo' in an effort to really annoy the muslms, I would have been perfectly fine with that. It's just that Arafat isn't that important, and I think we need to make every effort to reach out to anyone who will be hurt by Islam, like gay people.

    I have been making efforts to learn about the Bible so that I can make arguments that will appeal to Christains and Jews. I believe we need to concentrate on forming coalitions, and avoid excessive divisiveness.

  6. Demosthenes,

    I see your point. United we stand, divided we fall.

  7. I wonder what would happen if I had a gay guy join IBA and post a gay hunk of the week.


    Uh, divided we fall.

    I tried inviting a Muslim who was against Islamofascism to contribute. That went over like a lead balloon.

  8. It is fine if we can't get liberal muslim contributions. I don't want to rehash debates about hermeneutics that we have had before, but despite the fact my hermeneutic theories permit much liberty with any text, the Koran is an exceptionally evil text. It is difficult to interpret the Koran in ways that makes for peaceful co-existance. We need to be able to say that sentence here and getting liberal muslim agreement would be difficult.

  9. Agreed on that.

    Thing is, if any group of Muslims are actually going to start a positive reformation of Islam, then they are going to have to actually care about the Koran and about Islam. And therefore, they will be apologists of a sort. That was the problem with Ali Eteraz. He could be honest as hell one day, and the next day he was going on and on about how beautiful the Koran is, almost as if he was engaging in Taqiyya.

    I understand where he is coming from, or think I do, but you're right that it just won't work here.
