
Monday, October 02, 2006

The Moderate Nation

A Sunni Sister writes a post from Jordan. It's worth a read.

This part is not a surprise:

One time, a boy and his sister and their cousins stood outside of my window crushing the skulls of “my” stray kittens between their hands as the kitties howled. I ran to their mothers, but the mothers did not care. These cats were disposable to them; they were not concerned at all about the lack of compassion and concern their children displayed towards these little baby kitties. The cruelty of these boys and girls didn’t faze them in the least. In the end, they dropped the kittens alive. The kitties were scared to death and shaking as I have never seen, but they were alive and okay.

[Emphasis mine.]

Such lovely people.

1 comment:

  1. I've overwhelmed with work currently, but a useful exercise would be to post this to a few animal rights blogs. Animal rights activists are such one-dimensional loons that they aren't moonbats and won't respond to muslim evil with a blank stare.

    As an environmentalist, I have got into screaming fights with animal rights activists by attacking them for their animal-centric worldview. Why doesn't the stress of plants matter? I don't usually get into screaming fights, but it is just too funny not to see how far they will go in this argument. I probably shouldn't make a mockery out of this argument, as I'm ultimately serious about my point that it is ecologically insane to put all animals on some sacred plane and disregard the interest of plants.
