
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Springtime for Mohammed

My latest video that was originally hosted by YouTube but pulled in less than a day.


  1. Great video, my friend. Awesome job. You summed up a thousand blog posts in five minutes.

  2. Awesome!

    Link posted on my Blog.

    "Furthermore, Islam Must Be Destroyed!"


  3. Watcher,
    Excellent video!

    That piano music--is it "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now"?

  4. Good show, bloody brilliant! Damn those at YT for their idiocy, but then, that's why most of us at YT have accounts at other video sites. Glad you have it up, it's wonderful! Keep it up! I have one in the works, not yet polished up, that I'm wondering how long will last at YT. The main reason mine are more absurdist and less controversial is mainly because I know no one will host them. Oh well, "freedom of speech is Western terrorism", so I guess I should realize what I'm getting into when I mock the idiot holding the sign that said that very thing.

    Benue--how dare you be at YT and not hook up with me there!! Shame shame! We have to join up!

  5. Thanks guys. It took me quite a while to find the version of the song without words and to gather the images. Other than that, it had fun making the video. I'll post another one today, a much shorter but really funny one that I made back in August.


    Before you go any further into denying a bond between Islam and Nazism, do yourself a favor and read this.

  6. Watcher,
    Didn't you hear what Anonymous said? America calls civil liberties groups "enemies of the state," and Islamonazis do not. Therefore, America is more like Nazis than those who hate Jews, make Hitler and Protocols bestsellers, call for death to the "Great Satan," and want nuclear weapons to "wipe Israel from the map."

    Why can't you get that through your thick head, Watcher?

  7. By the way, where is that Congressional Resolution calling civil liberties groups, "Enemies of the State?"

  8. By the way, where is that Congressional Resolution calling civil liberties groups, "Enemies of the State?"

    Must be being safeguarded along with the "original" copy of the Protocols.

  9. Islam, of course, is a supremacist ideology just as Nazism was a supremacist ideology. How they divide the world into two (race, color, ummah, etc.) doesn't change the fact, Anonymous. Islam is religious Nazism. Mohammad, himself, ethnically cleansed Medina of Jews.

    BTW, great video, Watcher. People have to see this to get the full impact.

  10. Watcher, you seem to know a lot of the subject of Nazism and Islam. Why don't you post something on that here at IBA.

    That would be great.

  11. I have a post dedicated just to that but it needs to be updated with the latest info on Iran. When I finally find some time for it, I'll definitely do it.

  12. Always On Watch,

    The music is "Springtime for Hitler" from "The Producers".
