
Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Creeping Talbianization of Iran

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continues to make Iran even more worse than it already was for women:

Tehran, 16 Nov. (AKI) - The hardline administration of president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday introduced new restrictions on women. In Iran's National Security Council, women must now work in separate rooms from men, and may not attend meetings with their male colleagues. Segregation in the school system has been extended to teachers as well as pupils: at all levels, girls' schools may only be staffed by female teachers, who may not teach at boys' schools and institutes.

In universities, where male and female students have for some time sat in separate areas, CCTV cameras have been installed to monitor contact between the two sexes. The first woman-only hospitals are due to open soon, the health ministry has announced.

Meanwhile, George Bush is scaling back his plans for sanctions.

1 comment:

  1. Your creation of yet another of yet another word, "Talibanization," is a testament to your utter lack of knowledge of Shia Islam and a sign of how like so many, you are quick to attack that which you do not understand, instead of ask questions. Do you realize that not too long ago, at a time in this country before the explosion of teenage pregnancy, the dissolution of the family as the strongest social unit, and a complete breakdown of a nations values, very few if any private schools in the us had boys and girls mixing. The principals of the separation of the sexes in Islam is not an effort to oppress women ( would it not also oppress men as well?? ). It is an effort to employ everything present in Catholic schools in the US even today, where girls and boys go to different schools. But to label what Iran is doing similar to what the Taliban does is totally wrong. I suggest that you learn more about Islam bro. The Qu'ran, the actual words of Allah, gave women rights which women in our great country have only recently benefitted from, 1300 years before the US came around. Truly it is a pro-woman faith. Women may unilaterally divorce, are entitled to vote, etc. Listen, not too long ago, I almost walked out and left a person I was introduced to as being Muslim holding the bag. But all of a sudden, I realized that my knowledge of Islam was limited to the kind of misinformation that sites like this, Fox News, sensationalized headlines and that I would be better to judge, or have an opinion after truly studying about Islam and what its ideals are. And this is the important part, remember not to judge Islam's or any group's values, by extrapolating those exhibited by certain individuals within the group. I am a convert to Islam. Islam is a beautiful set of codes and ethics, clearly communicated directly by the same God all Christians and Jews call God. Some people choose not to follow these codes of ethics, and values. Not only Muslims, but all people, regardless of their religion, nationality or sex, all people have the ability to decide between doing good, or doing bad.

    So, let me ask you, what good does this site serve? Is hosting a forum for people to fuel words of hate something you are willing to defend when called to do so in the eyes of God when you are judged?

    Might not more good be done by creating a forum for people of various religions and belief systems to discuss their similarities? I'll bet that most of your readership has no idea that Jesus is reverred by Muslims. About his Mother, Mary ( Mariam ), an entire surah or chapter on virgin motherhood of Jesus ( Isa ) has been revealed. In fact, this once right wing devout Protestant after intense research could not find a single reason to conclude that the Holy Qu'ran, and the sayings of the Prophet, and his Progeny is not a 3rd and final testament for the believers in the God of Ibrahim ( Abraham ), Musa ( Moses ), etc. Left with the question but Jesus is the son of God and thus that makes him God in the Trinity - right... Why? I said because he was born a virgin birth. Then I was asked, "and that makes him divine?" Yes, I say ,"He had no human father, that makes him divine and the son of God." "So that is why you pray to him? That is what makes him God? Being the son of God, without a father? "Yes," I once said. Then I was given the $64000 question which again,led to my conversion. "Let me ask you, who is Adam's father?"
    "ah, ahhh," What could I say.
    My jaw dropped. I was a Muslim.

    I thought a while before putting this on your site. I am so curious to see what it turns over. I expect to be buried. But if only one person reads it and goes thru the work and process that I did, I am eternally happy for having done so.
