
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Nothing to see here


While seated in the lotus position, hum lightly......

Just a lone crazy person
Just a lone crazy person

Nothing to indicate a muslim, an arab, anything....


Oh hell, hum louder


  1. A bit OT but you gotta check out the Comments scroll about the Minneapolis 6 Imam hissy fit over on LGF. Excellent commentary. Agree that this was probably a set up concocted at the conference or at least a display of 'tude. At best another bit of grandstanding for the sake of "greater understanding", at worst a step towards undermining the foundations of airport security: demand they pay attention to everything BUT Muslims acting out religiously.

    As someone comments at LGF, when Christians are free to pray in public in Saudi Arabia these clowns can complain about invoking Allah aloud prior to takeoff. Unfortunately the millions of Americans getting this story from the MSM will probably not get that POV, nor hear about the imam's spokesman having ties to OBL. I gave up TV for the net a couple of years back, but I expect the airwaves are roiling with calls for "tolerance" and "understanding" ad nauseum. Which, of course, was the purpose of the exercise in the first place.

  2. Revere Rides Again,

    I was checking out that comments thread. You're right. It is worthwhile.

    I think the whole thing was likely concocted, and I think it is part of a larger offensive which is currently going on, which includes the assassination of the Lebanese Minister and also the redeployment of Al Qaeda troops out of Waziristan.

    Something big is afoot, methinks. However, I don't think I am smart enough to figure out just what it is. I can say, I have a bad feeling.

  3. Lord have mercy - this is starting to get worrisome.

    I've been having this Linda Hamilton in 'The Terminator' vibe for a couple of weeks now too...
