
Saturday, November 04, 2006

Penn & Teller Take On 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

It's pathetic that anyone has to bother, but, if we do, we might as well do it in an entertaining manner as P & T do here. (Thanks to Pedestrian Infidel for making me aware of this.)


  1. Bless P&T -- they not only tell us it takes a special kind of asshole, they SHOW us the special kind of asshole it takes. And mince no words.

    And yet the pathological conspiracy theorists will continue to spew. It gets them attention. It makes them feel special. There's one old geezer in our town who has a letter about it in the local paper every month. With his name attached, of course. And the damn fools at the paper feel obliged to print it.

    Of course they get away with it. After all, nobody can call you "Islamophobic" or "racist" as they do when you point out that fanatic Muslim fascists were responsible.

  2. I really do not like "hate speech laws" and laws against the denial of the Holocaust, but it seems to me there are some arguments for such laws. The fact that newspapers around the country continue to publish letters to the editor such as you describe, and indeed, articles written by college professors putting forth these ridiculous theories, only goes to add chaos to the public dialogue on the issues of the day. A chaotic public dialogue is truly a danger to the Democratic process.

    I am not making an argument for shutting down the debate via legislation, but I am saying that reasonable newspaper editors should not contribute to the chaos of the public dialogue. It is their responsibility to make decisions which will help the Democratic process along.

    But, who feels responsibility to their country anymore, huh?

    Can you imagine the public outcry if George Bush uttered these words in a speech:

    "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country."

  3. Special kinds of assholes. The world is awash in them. Adult children, spoiled and insolent, trying mightily to ignite another revolution against the man.

    Reason and logic have no place in the world of the insane, and the insane have no place among working adults. Instead, they must be cared for with compassion and tenderness, so that they do not harm themselves or others. Pointy-headed-oh-so-smarts may be as insane as the guy who believes his toaster is the window to the 6th dimension, so position on the social ladder has little to do with it.

    Common sense and calling busssh** what it is will go a long way toward finding a cure.

    Donate today.

    Send your contribuitions to my bank account at ^%$#-##$$-(*@#!

    Thank you.

    Dan Patterson
    Arrogant Infidel

  4. Is there no limit to realizing what the truth is? I guess not.

    Morons abound!

  5. Where do these idiots come from?? Is it not bad enough that we have to deal with islamic maniacs intent on destroying the west without having to listen to the drivel from guys like that?? Thanx Penn and Teller... you guys should run for office!

  6. Note to DP: Do I know you from Iceland? Email me
