
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Senior Anglican Bishop Speaks Out Against Muslim Hypocrisy

Thanks to Religion of Pieces for sending this to us. From BBC News:

A senior Anglican bishop has accused many Muslims of being guilty of double standards in their view of the world.

The Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, told the Sunday Times some had a "dual psychology" in which they sought "victimhood and domination".

The Muslim Council of Britain said the comments were "not very helpful".

The bishop, whose father converted from Islam, also said situations such as teaching could require Muslim women not to wear full-face veils.

Mr Nazir-Ali argued it would never be possible to satisfy all of the demands made by Muslims because "their complaint often boils down to the position that it is always right to intervene when Muslims are victims... and always wrong when Muslims are the oppressors or terrorists".
He compared Bosnia and Kosovo, where he said Muslims were oppressed, with the powerful position of the Taleban in Afghanistan, who he said had been the oppressors.

He added: "Given the world view that has given rise to such grievances, there can never be sufficient appeasement and new demands will continue to be made."

And now, check out this statement from the Muslim Council of Britain:

Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, told the Sunday Times such remarks could affect "community relationships".

What the .... ? Affect "community relationships"? That's a subtle-assed threat if I've ever heard one.

Why doesn't the Muslim Council of Britain deal with the substance of what the man said? Answer; because they can't.

Fr. Nazir-Ali also weighed in on the veil debate:

The bishop's comments on the use of full-face veils by Muslim women add to the debate sparked by Commons Leader Jack Straw, the former foreign secretary, last month.

In the Sunday Times, Mr Nazir-Ali referred to a "huge increase" in the wearing of Muslim dress in Egypt, Pakistan and Malaysia. He said: "I can see nothing in Islam that prescribes the wearing of the full-face veil. "In the supermarket those at the cash till need to be recognised. Teaching is another profession in which society requires recognition and identification."

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