
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Storm Track Infiltration: Europe- Insurgency & Counter Insurgency

From The Gathering Storm

In between their planned Inquisition of the Republicans, the dhimmicrats in Congress should take a quick break and review the ‘other’ more insidious war with Islamism that’s being fought in Europe and tell us of their plans to counter the Islamist moves here in this country.

I know the dhimmicrats do not track religious news unless it seems to threaten their secular paradise but at least they must have heard of the Pope controversy. Pope Benedict quotes a medieval Pope who, more or less, says Islam is dominated by a belief in violence and, right on cue, responded with violence. Are these Muslims just ‘misunderstood’ or is their behavior proof of their infatada?

Here’s a quick recap of what they, and we, are facing.

To quote the Religion of Peace:

Since the destruction of the World Trade Center five years ago, terrorist plots by Islamic jihadists are uncovered on a monthly basis. From Israel, to India, to Africa, to Russia, to Europe, governments are struggling to circumvent Muslim activists committed to violence. This violence isn’t limited to avowed terrorists. Last winter, more than 100 people died when thousands of Muslim youth across the world, following the encouragement of their religious leaders, took to the streets in angry protest of the Danish Mohammed cartoons. This September, a Berlin opera company disrupted its schedule to cancel production of Mozart’s Idomeneo. The company worried that a scene in which the king presents the head of Mohammed might spark a response similar to that evoked by the cartoons. (In the same scene, the king presents the heads of Jesus and Buddha, yet the company did not worry that Christians or Buddhists would riot and issue fatwa.) Going back a few more months, Comedy Central cancelled a portion of a South Park episode depicting Mohammad because it was too dangerous. South Park then nonchalantly preceded to a show a skit that outrageously insulted Jesus. Go back a few months more, and one finds the Museum of World Culture in Sweden removing an erotic painting from their walls in response to Muslim outrage.

And it should not escape the dhimmicrats attention that the infatada in Europe is progressing at a nice clip.

Here’s a quick recap of that. Hat tip to an unknown blogger at IBA.

Europeans are naturally getting nervous over their Muslim neighbors and some are ‘mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore’.

Even the liberal left in Europe is beginning to see the threat.

Artists and influential leftists are warning that the rise of radical Islam is threatening the tradition of European liberalism. Theater directors, cartoonists and writers say the continent is betraying its identity by practicing self-censorship aimed at appeasing a fundamentalist Islam they believe is determined to impose its will on free speech and creativity.

These are strong anti-dhimmi responses to a growing threat seen by some in Europe. Meanwhile, back in the USA, our ‘strong’ measures are right up the dhimmicrats alley. Again, words not actions are the dhimmi response to the threat.

U.S. urges Muslim youth to avoid extremism

Just say “no” is their strategy.

Or perhaps to hide their head in the sand, the dhimmicrats will attempt to shut down any debate on Islam like the British government is doing. Hat tip to Western Resistance.

Time will tell. It will be an interesting but dangerous two years ahead.


  1. Good post.

    One note: the Pope was quoting the Emperor, whose great city was under siege by...Islam, of course.

    Keep up the good work!



  2. I've been saying the same thing as James - that there is no political or any other peaceful solution for Europe but mass deportations. Too bad the West became too liberal and refuses to stand for itself.
