
Monday, November 20, 2006

Storm Track Infiltration: Hey, Islam! Get A Clue from the Amish

From The Gathering Storm

Can Islam get any more constipated? More proof that this primitive, prudish religion can not live in a 21st century society.

LUCKNOW, India: Muslim clerics at a leading seminary in India have asked people not to use verses from the Quran as ringtones for their mobile phones, saying the practice was un-Islamic. Clerics at the Dar-ul Uloom seminary in the northern Indian town of Deoband issued an edict banning the use of Quran verses or Muslim call to prayers as ringtones, saying doing so violates Islamic law. "Anyone who persists in using these should be ostracized from society," Qazmi said.

Perhaps we could learn something from the Amish. Their culture refuses to live in the 21st century. They eschew any and all forms of technology. And yet, they live peacefully – believing in non-violence and peace, by the way – within our modern society.

What’s the difference between the Amish and Muslims? The Amish do not come into our cities and demand that cell phones be turned off, that the site of an automobile is abhorrent to them, that certain forms of art be shrouded to protect their sensitive souls, that the women on the streets of the city they visit, even those that visit their community, be covered from head to toe.

It’s time Muslims learn how two different cultures out of time can live side by side peacefully in a modern society.

1 comment:

  1. It is time for them to learn that, but the Koran tells them that they are supposed to destroy our culture and impose Sharia in its place.
