The day before Thanksgiving, the November 27, 2006 edition of Time Magazine arrived in my mailbox. Not wanting to spoil my appetite for the big feast, I decided to wait after Thanksgiving dinner to read this particular issue. But early on Thursday morning, as I was cruising the blogs over my first cup of coffee, I read this blog article by Pim's Ghost. She was all riled up....
Being the trust-but-verify type, I turned immediately to pages 42-43. Sure enough! Pim's Ghost had exactly reproduced what Time passes off as "Christianity and Islam: A History of Interaction." Something else jumped out at me from Pim's Ghost's essay — the author of one of the commentaries which Time included in this edition....
The most significant statement in that article will probably be missed by nearly everyone despite its being highlighted. I have to paraphrase, since I don't have a copy in front of me, but Benedict XVI nails the core principle when he says that to a Christian the rejection of reason is alien to the nature of God, but to a Muslim the Koran is the absolute word of Allah and not to be questioned in any way. There is the heart of the Renaissance and the nature of the threat in one sentence. No wonder Oriana Fallaci thought so highly of this pope.