
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Under Gates, GWOT will go covert? A police and Intelligence op? Can anyone say John Kerry?

The key architect of the U.S.-led international war on terror is being replaced and the new defense secretary, Robert M. Gates, is expected to pursue more conciliatory and less aggressive tactics, according to U.S. defense officials.

Of course Mr, Gates was an integral part of the team which performed the perfidious display of first calling for, and instigating the Shia to rise against Saddam in 1991, then allowing the Iraqis to fly helicopters in the no fly zone, then refusing to act when the helicopters were used to slaughter the Shia. Eventually estimates in the mass graves ran to 350,000 to 400,000. Think the Senate will ask about this during confirmation hearings?

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld pressed the U.S. military, especially its special operations components, to conduct more aggressive operations aimed at killing, capturing and otherwise disrupting foreign terrorist networks and their supporters. He once asked a four-star general in charge of special operations, “have you killed any terrorists today?” to highlight his priority.

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