
Monday, December 04, 2006

Bush Accepts Bolton's Resignation

Speechless ................. hardly surprising. There is no way a man of John Bolton's character would be the willing mouthpiece for the terrible foreign policy direction the administration has taken.

There is no way he would lie and put a happy face on something so very bad. What a stunning loss.

What is surprising is how quickly Bush rolled over................... John Bolton was a loyal Bush stalwart. Clearly he was at odds with recent Bush policy decisions that were chock full of carrots but no sticks for savage bullies, but he never said a cross word. Never. Loyal. No wonder Bush is isolated.

A very bad day for America. The Bush Doctrine RIP.

We're screwed.


  1. I thought we had Winston Churchill at the helm after 9/11 -- more fool me -- In fact, we have a gutless Nevelle Chamberlain in charge of another Phony War.

  2. I don't know that the war is phony, but yes, Bush is proving to be a Neville Chamberlain, especially if he negotiates with Ahmadinejad and pressures Israel to make concessions. That's a very Chamberlainesque maneuver.

  3. This is BAD. I don't even want to think about who's going to be his replacement.

  4. To every black cloud seek the silver lining . . .
    perhaps Bolton will consider politics?

  5. "To every black cloud seek the silver lining . . . perhaps Bolton will consider politics?"

    That's what Daniel Moynihan did ... perhaps it will happen again. In any case, we need new leadership in the Republican Party.

    Oh, yes, the Chamberlain comparison is good. As a matter of fact, Chamberlain was a Conservative as was Churchill. Once again, we have to change leadership in the Party.

  6. Bolton-Giuliani anyone? In the meantime, he's getting permanent-markered onto my "Giuliani 2008" bumper sticker. One can always hope.
