
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Not-So-Strange Bedfellows: Democrats and Destroyers

Normally, I would simply link to the fisking below of what passes for Democratic foreign policy -- an uncreative, insecure and envious stew -- and suggest you go read it for yourself. However, I know that many of you (we are soul brothers/sisters, after all) are as lazy as I am. Not to mention that it’s hard to believe you haven’t read this all somewhere else already. Which is true, but you haven’t seen it put together so succinctly. I’m a sucker for spine-tingling bullet points. Thus, I am going to save you the trouble of clicking on yet another link by the cut and paste job I will execute below.

This list is not pleasant reading, but it is essential truth and Sunday morning is an especially good time for essential truth reading.

The article has already been widely linked; I picked up the first reference at One Cosmos, who had this to say on our fight to survive:

… In other words, our task in the ‘war on terror’ has nothing to do with land, oil, or territory per se, but with the inevitable problems caused by a more primitive mode of psychological development that has access to weapons that, on its own, it could never have developed (because of its primitiveness). This is a war between different levels of psychological development.

In our triangulated global war between Islam, the left, and classical American liberalism, it seems that we and the Islamists are fully aware of their alliance with the left. Only the clueless left are in the dark about this dynamic. Since they flatter themselves with the designation “progressive,” they literally cannot recognize their deep alliance with the most backward and regressive force on the planet, radical Islam. But the Islamists are a bit more sophisticated than the left — just as the Palestinian PR machine has always been more sophisticated than the liberal media, and has been relying upon these useful MSM jihadiots to propagandize on their behalf for 30 years.

The jihad does more than merely “rely” on the MSM “jihadiots” (elegant term, that - but the mind of One Cosmos is always forming Joycean or even Shakespearian neologisms that shake your spinal cord). The jihad would not be sustainable had the MSM not taken them under their wing. If we were in the FDR era, he would have long since jailed the lot of them (FDR’s economics and his views on the constitution in time of war were part of a larger whole but that’s as much digression as we can give the matter now without wandering down another ADD-induced tangential lane). Alas, FDR is not here to send them off to the clink, so it is up to the rest of us to do what we can to expose not only their delusions, but also their derelictions.

So on to the essay already: [emphases are mine]

In one of the most startling incidents in our history, America’s sworn enemy used the term ‘brotherly’ when referring to one of our major political parties. The remarkable pronouncement came amidst the celebrations that erupted in the terrorist ranks after the democratic victory in the latest elections.

Given all that the democrats have done, the affection in which they are held by our foes is neither unjustified nor surprising. They have more than earned it by systematically subverting this country’s war effort while simultaneously proffering assistance to those who have pledged to destroy us.

Democrats’ devious deeds are too numerous to be fully recounted, but here at least are some of the highlights:

  • They have tried to prevent us from listening on terrorists’ phone calls
  • They have sought to stop us from properly interrogating captured terrorists
  • They have tried to stop us from monitoring terrorists’ financial transactions
  • They have revealed the existence of secret national security programs
  • They have opposed vital components of the Patriot Act
  • They have sought to confer unmerited legal rights on terrorists
  • They have opposed profiling to identify the terrorists in our midst
  • They have impugned and demeaned our military
  • They have insinuated that the president is a war criminal
  • They have forced the resignation of a committed defense secretary
  • They have repeatedly tried to de-legitimize our war effort
  • They want to quit the battlefield in the midst of war.

To see just how bad things really are, ponder this question: If the terrorists were represented by a party in our political system, how would their foreign policy program substantially differ from that of the present-day democrats?

Mr. Kohlmayer has posed the central question. The Democrat policies are a clear and present danger to our country. Were it not for the treacherous triangle of academics, journalists, and politicians currently in place, America would be in a much healthier, stronger position vis-à-vis its neighbors, allies, and its enemies. As Mr. Kohlmayer points out:

The suspicion that many democrats are not on our side has been grating on the American psyche for some time now. But since most people can’t fathom why some Americans would want us to lose, the suspicion has not coalesced into a firm conviction. To put it differently, there is a reluctance to conclude the obvious, because we don’t want to believe that such treachery could possibly reside in American hearts.

The inability to grasp their motive, however, should not preclude us from making the correct inference based on the evidence of their actions. And the mass of that evidence points overwhelmingly toward this conclusion: America’s liberal elites want us to lose this war and they are using the Democratic Party to accomplish their objective.


The terrorists’ exhilaration at the election results show just how certain they are where the democrats’ allegiance lies. Even though they live behind the ocean, they understand something we have tried so hard to overlook: The Democratic establishment will give them its support and assistance all the while stripping America of the tools and abilities to carry on the fight.

The economic ignorance of the Dems on the home front is dangerous enough; it is a tunneling from within. But their unwitting (we hope) pimping for fascism is even more dangerous, and more evil. They are touts for tyranny as represented by the Islamic factions who both fervently pray for our destruction and cheer on terrorist acts like 9-11.

One main philosophical problem for the Dems is that they don’t really believe in evil or sin, though they will make an exception for anyone who professes faith in the individual or private enterprise. Those indeed are deeply evil principles according to the Gospel of Rangel and Company. That is why he will, if he can, decimate the military. That is why he will reduce the middle class to penury in order to swell the ranks of the underclass. That is why he wants to increase taxes and enlarge entitlement programs. His agenda serves to further destroy the soul of the underclass by eroding its belief in the ability to survive by one's own efforts -- thereby neatly tying the poor to Mommy’s apron strings. With this kind of script(ure), dependency is fostered and weaning from the breast of government is impossible. This is the whole point of the endeavor.

We must defeat such thinking and the legislation which follows behind. Otherwise, we may as well petition to join the EU and be done with it.

It’s going to be a long slog uphill for the next two years. Watch the Washington shenanigans carefully. Keep tabs and keep score. Neither the Dems nor their bedfellows, the jihadists, wish you well.

There is no such thing as the end of history. There will always be a new evil to rush in to fill the vacuum left by the implosion of the old one. The new one, decked out in different costumes, has the same principles and goals: the rule of the many by the enlightened few and the deep abhorrence for the sanctity of individual free will.

This is the meaning of “original” sin. It is always there, it is deeply imbedded in the human psyche, a left over from earlier tribal beliefs, all of which are founded on envy. In order for the doctrine of free will to flourish, envy must be vanquished. But in order for that to happen, we have to begin with the premise of individual liberty, of the primary, inalienable right of each of us to choose and to make mistakes, rather than allow those who know better than we to make larger, more grievous mistakes on our behalf.

Liberty is only for the political class. Everyone else should go bowling.

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Cross posted at Gates of Vienna.

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