
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Perchance, Is This The Way We Will Win?

Saudi Arabia and Iran Will Come Head To Head In Iraq (from the Telegraph):

The gulf's two military powers, Sunni-Muslim Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran, are lining up behind their warring religious brethren in Iraq in a potentially explosive showdown, as expectations grow in both countries that America is preparing a pull-out of its troops.

The Saudis are understood to be considering providing Sunni military leaders with funding, logistical support and even arms, as Iran already does for Shia militia in Iraq.

The strategy — outlined in an article last week by Nawaf Obaid, a senior security adviser to the kingdom's government — risks spiralling into a proxy war between Saudi and Iranian-backed factions in the next development in Iraq's vicious sectarian conflict.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamanei, boasted on state television recently. "America destroyed all our enemies in the region. It destroyed the Taliban. It destroyed Saddam Hussein… The Americans got so stuck in the soil of Iraq and Afghanistan that if they manage to drag themselves back to Washington in one piece, they should thank God. America presents us with an opportunity rather than a threat — not because it intended to, but because it miscalculated. They made many mistakes".

No, Supreme Poobah Khameini, the opportunity is all ours. Go kill each other. We'll even sell you the arms to do so.

Does that sound familiar?


  1. LGF has video of an interview on mideast television with the head (pun intended) executioner of Saudi Arabia. Talking about his "job" while dandling his little daughter on his knee. (At least I think it's his daughter. With Mo fans ya never know.) Waving his swords around. Chatting with the interviewers about how you need to stand nice and still to get a good clean execution, otherwise things get messy. (Women, it seems, are better at this.)

    Everybody should see this chilling picture of modern communications technology put to the service of medieval barbarism. It is truly horrifying. Especially that anchorbimbo in the rose colored hijab who keeps chirping questions like "have you ever executed any of your friends"? (He cheerfully acknowledged that he had -- but hey, they displeased Big Mo, that's the way it is, yo.)

  2. We sometimes forget that there are different factions of the Muslim Religion - my thought is how rough it will be if they ever united and then turned all of their attention on us.

  3. We will have allowed the facile funding and training of those who will not leave us out of their dreams, on BOTH sides.

    We need if we took such an approach, to impress both sides that any attack upon the USA or its close allies will (like JKF) result in the massive retaliation of the USA on THIS LIST of sites...(all cities, shrines, reactors, universities yadda yadda)...this needs a convincing unquestionable deterrent effect.

    No one would believe us.

  4. Hate to sound like a broken record (remember those? the ones that actually broke, I mean?) but much as I would love to think these fools will solve our problems by killing off each other, that's probably wishful thinking. If anyone has a copy of Phares' "Future Jihad" take a look at the "map of projected jihad states" (p.185 in the softcover) that illustrates his concerns about the jihadists attempting to create a block of aligned states. Even if the Sunnis and Shias go at it in Iraq, can we assume the outcome will be advantageous to us? I find it hard to believe that after gaining as much as they have in the past couple decades the jihadists will let it all slip away via internecine warfare.

  5. erm...God Help Britain leafkets for the BNP, both a profoundly racist and anti-semitic party. whats going on at IBA.

  6. Epa,
    You said, "No one would believe us."

    Yes, that is the worst part of what is going on now, since the Dems have taken over.

    We have now lost all credibility as a nation.

    Now, anything we do will just be interpreted as livewire behavior.

    Doesn't mean we can't or won't fight back in the future, but it does mean that everything we do from now on will come as a surprise.

    That is not good. That is not what one calls "policy." It is what you call "chaos."

  7. Anonymous,
    I didn't know that. Could you give me evidence?

    I fucking hate the BNP.

  8. Revere Rides Again,

    Damn, it would be really freaky if you sounded like a broken CD.

    As for the meat of your point. I don't know about it. The Jihadis are playing, as any nation does when it goes to war, with the forces of chaos. One never knows where that will lead. The Jihadis who are trying to control the Jihad are a small bunch in comparison the the hundreds of millions of Muslims who are simply carrying out brother against brother grudges of various sorts.

    I do think we could, if we really planned it out, use that force to our benefit, but, you know, we don't really plan anything out these days, do we?

  9. Anonymous,

    By the way, when you say, "What's going on at IBA?", is there anything else going on that troubles you?

  10. Yeah, they've learned the value of "divide and conquer" from long experience. Perhaps the outcome will turn on whether they are better at using it to eff us up than they are at shooting themselves in the foot. Of course it would be oh so cynical and un-PC for us to deliberately employ the tactic of turning murderous enemies loose on each other, now wouldn't it?
