
Saturday, December 02, 2006

Something needs to be done about publicity seekers

A moonbat tried to get former IDF chief Moshe Yaalon arrested in New Zealand:
( Former IDF chief of staff, Moshe Ya’alon has departed from New Zealand, where he was on a private visit. An warrant for his arrest charging alleged war crimes was issued against him on Monday, for his part in IDF operations in PA (Palestinian Authority) controlled Gaza.

Ya’alon told Army Radio on Friday morning that he was not afraid of the warrant, adding he is pleased that the Government of New Zealand canceled the warrant and did not permit publicity seekers to use the law to benefit their motive.
They did the right thing. Nevertheless, these terrorist worshipers need to be tried themselves for harrassing innocent army officials who're trying to defend innocent communities against violent terrorists. Should a countersuit be filed against them in that case?

1 comment:

  1. Should a countersuit be filed against them in that case?

