
Saturday, December 23, 2006

to all at Infidel Bloggers Alliance and all who visit and contribute to the site

I wish you a hopeful christmas
I wish you a brave new year
All anguish pain and sadness
Leave your heart and let your road be clear

may all that is good come to you, your families and friends


  1. Merry Christmas all.

    There will be a surprise posting on here Christmas day folks so remember to visit on the 25th

  2. Thank you for your encouraging thoughts, Gandalf. Especially since today the news all seems so dreary and discouraging that it feels like nothing short of a catastrophe will wake people up. And if they keep buying Jimmuh's latest piece of trash at the present rate, most of them will blame it on the "Choooooos" anyway.

    Sorry to sound so depressed, gang. Monday night I promise to drive the long way home, enjoy all the Christmas lights, play both my Mannheim Steamroller carols CDs at top volume, and look forward to jonz's surprise!
