
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Via-Resistancia Calls It Quits

I must admit I was shocked when I received the e-mail from Via-Resistancia announcing that they were dissolving their group. For those of you who may not know what it was, Via-Resistancia was a Google group consisting of anonymous individuals who were attempting through their steady stream of e-mails to inform the French-language public about the situation in France. From the start they were pessimistic, but I didn't expect them to end their resistance movement. I have never known exactly who they were, but the group's founder, José Melchor Gonzalez, saw his original website shut down by the French government. Early on he took a stand against neo-conservatism and perceived the fatal errors Bush was making in Iraq. He reported constantly on signs of dhimmitude in France and elsewhere and sent out more links than anyone could ever browse through let alone read. In a long e-mail, which I am condensing, he states the reasons for their decision:

We consider henceforth that the war against Islam is lost and that it is now up to each of us to provide for his own survival. Some will leave to go "elsewhere" (assuming there is some place that has escaped the world-wide Muslim metastasis that even allowed a Muslim of the American Democratic Party to be elected to Congress.) Others will try perhaps to "resist" here, assuming one can still hope for a resistance.

Our perception is as clear as it is pessimistic.

The recent signing of an accord on "diversity", a hypocritical word that hides the reality of Islamization on all levels of our society, between the unions and management, with the blessing of the political elite, is the sad reflection of the Muslim century that is opening.

It reflects the surrender of principle by everyone in the elevation of a new world caliphate that will reign in less than 30 years over a large part of the world where it will impose its views, its threats, and its fears, and subject it to a passive dhimmitude (that has already been) agreed upon.

Some of those who claim to be "resisting" call themselves free-enterprise advocates, but big capital, as much as the Left, is already dancing with the Devil in response to the call of the night that is upon the Western world. A night that will soon crucify a Christianity that has become too cowardly to put up any form of resistance. Perhaps at least the last Christians will be able to save their soul and ask forgiveness for having abandoned their lands to Islam.

At this point he cites the spread of hallal, the voluntary ban on Christmas trees and all things that remind us of the true nature of the Christmas holiday; he reminds us that when the first veils appeared in the French schools in 1989 it was a Pandora's box that is now wide open; and he bemoans the absence of a leader of stature such as Churchill or Roosevelt:

Instead, George Walker Bush consecrated Islam as a "religion of peace and love" and placed a copy of the Koran in the White House library next to the Bible...We can measure the debacle in Iraq by the chaos that reigns there, a probable future Siamese twin of Iran, soon to be in possession of the atomic bomb...As for Tony Blair, isolated, trying to accuse Islam but without sufficient room to maneuver because he, too, still believes that a pacified Islam can coexist with the West.

But the cartoons and the remarks made by Ratzinger that were definitively censured by Benedict XVI, show how much fear is reigning, and how it permits Islam to impose its totalitarian vision on the world. Politicians, movie makers, simple philosophy teachers, can at any moment be killed for criticizing Islam. Countries like France, Italy, Germany or the Netherlands are even ready to totally renounce their model of society, a model that was erected centuries ago, in favor of the Muslim imperialism that is imposing itself from deep within their borders: hospitals reserved for Muslims in the large Dutch cities, Muslim beaches in Italy, classes on Islam in German schools, renunciation of the 1905 law on "laïcité" in France so that, all over the country, mosques can be built whose minarets will be taller than the church steeples...

You have to be realistic. For years we've rehashed the same things, we've denounced, we've sent warnings, but nothing changes...

And it's not just in Europe, it's everywhere, even in South Korea where a giant mosque for 1500 Muslims has been built. In Cincinnati and in Panama there are now more Muslims than Christians. South America is becoming a new land for massive Muslim immigration; even in the Antilles they are almost 5% of the population and more than 10% in Quebec! The metastasis is generalized...what can you do about it?

Nothing, since nobody in the West has the will to oppose it. Even the great Le Pen now boasts regularly of having been the first to have a Muslim deputy elected. At any rate, Le Pen is more anti-Semitic than anything else, hence his coziness with Dieudonné...

Islam, untouchable, uncriticizable, will impose itself without any real resistance, except maybe for a few good souls on the fringes who will wear themselves out trying.

You have to be realistic, even in the land of the dead, we know enough to stop a fight when the war is lost. We have children, families, and friends to care for while there is still some time, before the shadow completely covers the world. The twilight is underway and we do not all have the spirit of a Jean Moulin.

He closes with these words:

The 21st century will probably be religious, yes, but Muslim pure and simple. Maybe in a few centuries, in America or somewhere, a new world will be born that will defeat Islam as in the Middle Ages...but until then, Europe...inch Allah.

Note: Inch Allah = God willing

Jean Moulin was a famous resistance fighter, killed during World War II.

Question: Is his information about Cincinnati correct? I wasn't aware it was that bad.

The flag is from the Canadian website No Dhimmitude, but I can't locate the exact webpage. Apologies to Dag.


  1. Tiberge,
    If he's talking about Cincinati ohio, then no , I don't think that is correct.

    However, I'm pretty sure that Dearborn Michigan contains more Muslims than Christians.

    Question: Why does this guy call LePen the "Great LePen"?

  2. because he is a member of the far right. and a drama queen.

  3. A bit to soon to run up The White Flag I'd would think the French would have learned from their experience in WW II -- It ain't over until it's over.

  4. What we do about Teheran is the bellweather.

    The Cincinatti thing is bunk and draws the rest of this article into question. One's opinion must be based in FACT, otherwise ...

  5. I agree that this is bullshit. However, I understand the guys frustration.

    Truthfully, it just comes off as one more Frenchman surrendering way too easy.

    France can win the war, if you want it.

  6. I can certainly agree with Via-Resistancia when they state,"A night(Islamization)that will soon crucify a Christianity that has become too cowardly to put up any form of resistance". In our rural northern CA. community, we have 7 church groups that identify themselves as Christian. In our expose of the bloated and distorted 7th grade history chapters about Islam, not one church or its pastor would speak out against this multicultural madness and a few even chastised us for being "hateful".

    Via's words brought home the fact that it's just not in our neck of the woods that this cowardice is manifested. Oh, for a good pre-Revolutionary preacher!

  7. Way out in CA,

    I know about your struggle. I have read about it. Keep fighting, please.

    I have a stuggle like that too. I am a Christian and I dialogue with Pastors on the subject of anti-Semitism and I am just amazed at the excuses they come up with for not having to take a stand.

    It's a pathetic affair.

  8. It would seem so, but then, I would have to believe that most of the Christian church are apostates. I believe God's love goes further than any hell or sin, so I believe that He will forgive them, even if I have a hard time doing so.
