
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Huge Contrast

[Cross-posted at Always On Watch Two]

While our schoolchildren are being fed drivel about ants and sweet weed (See the video at this posting) and reading Islamic-friendly books such as Clever Ali, children in the Middle East are being indoctrinated in this manner:

[Hat-tip to Gayle for the above video]


  1. Who the f*** is this Allah who needs to send kids to fight his battles for him. Why doesn't he turn up himself instead of leading from the rear. Hitler sent kids out to fight the Allies while he skulked in his bunker flooded and stinking from the fractured sewers of Berlin.

    Maybe Allah is doing the same in his bunker in the lowest cesspool of Hell.

    Come out Allah and show yourself, you wussie!

  2. Ha, ha, ha! Man, that last part where the corpse miraculously pops out of the grave is just hilarious! Yahud u Akhbar! Yahud u Akhbar!

  3. Maybe the catamite's corpse wasn't sexually fullfilled in this life and wanted some necrophiliac anal-rogering from the other Pervert-worshippers before it enterd Allah's brothel to meet its 72-year-old virgin goat bed-companion for all eternity.

  4. Civil war is now inevitable in Britanistan:

    "The study identifies significant support for wearing the veil in public, Islamic schools and even punishment by death for Muslims who convert to another religion.
    Most alarmingly, 13 per cent of young Muslims said they "admired" organisations such as Al Qaeda which are prepared to "fight the West".


  5. Religion of Pieces,
    I'd love to post on that, but the link doesn't work.

  6. Anonymous,
    Come out Allah and show yourself, you wussie!

    I had the same reaction.

    If you get that working link from ROP, please send it to me via email. Thanks!

  7. Pastorius,
    Here is the link you're looking for, I think.
