
Friday, February 16, 2007

From the Gathering Storm Blog

From The Gathering Storm Blog

"A love for tradition has never weakened a nation; indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril." - Sir Winston Churchill

Posting to my blog every day for the last 10 months has taught me a lot about the challenges and threats we face as a society and our shared culture.
The journey I’ve taken has helped me understand what those challenges and threats are and I've attempted to frame them in a theme – a gathering storm - that would make sense to anyone who reads it.

As my understanding has matured reading hundreds of news items and blog postings a week I’ve come to the conclusion that if we are to win this threat of Islamism to our freedom loving culture, we have to come up with simple terms that explain to the majority of simple people who just don’t ‘get it’. And I’m not talking just about the far Left that hates anything and everything about America.

I’m talking about the common everyday person who doesn’t understand the conceptofIslamism, Islamists, Islamo-fascists, the confusing arguments about what Islam is and what it isn’t coming from all sides of the debate, and who can’t seem to fathom the deliberate concealment of the Islamist threat by the main stream media at worst or through its self-censorship at best.

After 9-11, there is one threat that every freedom loving person, non-Muslim and Muslim alike, on this planet understands and even the main stream media could not deny.


All other words and concepts are too complex, confusing, even too deep for the common everyday person to understand and who we need to recruit to the fight. Jihadism is what people fear. Jihadism is understood to be the enemy. Jihadism is what needs to be defeated. One can begin any discussion from couch potatoes to intellectuals and start from an agreement of the common enemy – jihadists or commonly called terrorists.

So how does one proceed from there convincing the unaware that violet or militant Jihad or terrorism, who they agree is the enemy, is but one small part of a greater strategy? The unaware and misinformed do understand the general goal of the Jihadists. It’s no secret. The Jihadists have told us time and time again and have made it quite clear in the media, demonstrations and in their mosques. They wish to bring about a world dominated by Islam and ruled by Shariah law.

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

(Posted on behalf of WC)

1 comment:

  1. Reply to Anonymous from 2/16/07:

    No, America is NOT the "poorest ... country in the world". The poor people from all over the rest of the world want to come to America, because here "even the poor people are fat". Because in America, there aren't moral enforcers to beat women walking in the streets without burkas or niqabs. In America, the state police don't come for you in the middle of the night and take you to an unknown prison & torture you, then "disappear" you. In America, boys and girls go to public schools for free and learn to read, write, and calculate; women as well as men may go on to become doctors or scientists, or auto mechanics, or whatever they choose. Let me tell you my opinion: Islam has already lost. It is dead. It depends absolutely and completely on its adherents not thinking. The Koran is a false teaching. It is not the absolute word of God. It has contradictory verses. Did God the Almighty of All Time change his mind from the Mecca verses to the Medina verses? No, the one who changed was Mohammed. His "revelations" from God were just a way to pretend he had religious authority for doing things considered improper at that time... marry his daughter-in-law, or bushwhack a caravan during a religious holiday. His favorite wife (he allowed himself more than 4, by the way - the maximum for every other Muslim) told him "It seems your Allah hastens to grant your desires". She knew what he was doing! As far as being the most indebted country in the world, no, we're not. And we're one of the most productive countries in the world. Our economy produces jobs, our people have freedom, and we can pray to God or Buddha or Allah -or nobody- and we don't have to pay a "tax on unbelievers". We're the best in the world! (Of course, there's still room for improvement!)
