
Sunday, February 04, 2007

Investor's Business Daily "Gets It"

Posted on JihadWatch today. If you know someone who reads IBD, ask them if they read this editorial and what they think of it. Great way to get a "consciousness-raising" session started, as we used to say back in the day.

"We must declare war on jihad"

"Drop The Gloves" -- a terrific editorial in Investor's Business Daily :

Global Jihad: The ghastly plot by Muslim terrorists in Britain to kidnap and behead a British soldier to blackmail the U.K. into leaving Iraq is a grim reminder of the enemy we’re fighting. And sadly, we need reminding.

While the bare-knuckled British press condemned the “evil Muslim terrorists,” our media by and large shrugged, preoccupied as they’ve been with more important news, such as the sandbox spat between Rosie O’Donnell and Donald Trump. You’d never know we were at war with a barbarian culture bent on destroying our way of life.

Though we’ve so far avoided another attack here in America, there’s been no shortage of terrorism around the world. You might say there’s been a silent rampage. The thwarted British plot coincides with no fewer than 655 Islamic terror attacks across the globe in just the past three months. The full list appears on the Web site

We can’t vouch for the list’s accuracy, but based on a quick survey, the data seem correct. We commend the list to your attention because it puts the war on terror in the proper light.
That is, this war is truly a worldwide clash of civilizations and not, as the cut-and-run crowd keeps telling us, simply a “situation” that requires “managing.”

“We are losing in Iraq and Afghanistan,” asserts former senior CIA analyst Michael Scheuer, “because the political leaders of both parties — and their politically correct acolytes in the media, the academy and the general officer corps — refuse to square with the American people about the enemy’s motivation."

Read it all and email it to a friend. Or your broker. Whomever.


  1. Well, I gotta admit, once you get it to work the new version is easier to use.

  2. Dang. If that link to IBD doesn't work, the original post with the whole editorial is over at

  3. Thanks muchly. It really is worth reading the whole thing.

  4. Everyone knows that there's only one way to stop that Iranian psichopatic rat. It's the same way used against the first Hitler. Americans are preparing for the new World War against the new Nazi Axis. And Israelis are ready.

    By the way, the French, too. President Jacques Chirac already notified in interview in the last Thursday that France "NEVER will accept" an Iran with atomic weapons; and before of the first Iranian missile travel through the skies, "Teheran will be DEVASTATED."

    But the (desperate) objective of the Petition is get a peaceful solution for avoid a war - the first nuclear war in the History, that maybe will be the last one. Why? Because, in order to destroy the subterranean nuclear installations, isolated by tick walls of metal, the only possible way is an atomic bombardment. By the way, several.

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:

    "Iran is a superpower. (..) The fulfillment of a new world without the infidels is possible and already is visible. (..) After Israel and America, goes Europe, with the end of all of the westerners, all of the infidels in the world (..) "

    In a few words... EXTERMINATE "a minority" of 80% of the Humanity. Of course that everything that is a delirium of psychopaths. But when they got mass destruction power, the worst nightmares become real. Any doubt, study the History of the Twentieth century and see the real results of the Communist and Nazi dreams.

  5. Though we’ve so far avoided another attack here in America

    Wrong. Remember these?

    Shooting spree at Los Angeles Airport targeting El Al Airlines:

    Shooting spree in Seattle targeting Jews:

    Murder by jeep at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill:

    clash of civilizations

    It's a clash between civilization and barbarism. Hasn't IBD been listening to Daniel Pipes, Wafa Sultan and Ayaan Hirsi Ali?

  6. Another very Muslim terror strike that seems to be forgotten, is the sniper shootings in late 2001.


    This other story is not from the U.S., but a big attack - 216 casualties, if me memory serves me - performed by an Egyptian pilot in 2000 (plus/minus one year), has never even been classified as a Muslim terror attack. This in spite of overwhelming evidence (f.ex. the sound tapes from the cabin) that the pilot deliberately steered the plane into the sea while raving about Allah. But in the unholy name of political correctness, this act of horror to leave was effectively brushed under the carpet.


  7. True Infidel,

    You are right about that Egypt Air crash. That was Islamic Terrorism.

  8. The link doesn't go over to IBD. Got another one?

  9. True Infidel and Pastorious
    I too always believed it was a terror attack. Investigators confirmed the pilot did indeed take the plane down while committing suicide, whereas the Egyptian government got insulted and kept insisting muslims don't do suicides. Yes, story got buried.
    This was in 1999.

  10. Yes, there is no doubt he took the plane down. However, the stupid NTSA said he did it because he was despondent and suicidal.

    I believe he did it because the plane was loaded with Egyptian military. I don't think the Islamists like the Egyptian government much.
