
Saturday, February 03, 2007

Mainstream Media Notices Something

The ghoulish character in the cartoon is a Jew being run out of town

That children are being indoctrinated to hate at schools in Iran. Only in Iran?! - you may ask yourself. Of course this is common knowledge amongst us 'ere bloggers like, but kudos to The Sun for printing it. Let's up there's more exposés like this to come.

Article is here


  1. The British press are very slowly beginning to see the light:

    .".....As for the media, for which I write, they have become so terrified of offending Muslims and making Islamists cross that they refused to do their job as reporters of news and publish the series of cartoons mocking the prophet Mohammed that appeared in a Danish newspaper and which led to Danish citizens being threatened and their country's goods boycotted.

    Not only did British newspaper proprietors and editors think freedom of speech not worth fighting for, but Jack Straw, then our Foreign Secretary, condemned as "disrespectful" those European newspapers honourable enough to print the cartoons.

    The Ireland from which I fled in 1965 taught me how a powerful religion can get its way by bullying and frightening politicians and influencing a susceptible electorate. Still, it would be unfair to compare the Irish version of Rome Rule with what Islamists wish to impose on us: even our most reactionary bishops were educated; the Enlightenment had not passed them by. Islamists would burn our books, indoctrinate our children into thinking like seventh-century nomads and outlaw joy. "An Islamic regime must be serious in every field," explained Ayatollah Khomeini. "There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam."

    Roman Catholics might believe in an after-life but they do not yearn to get there: IRA terrorists – even the hunger-strikers – hoped to live. The Islamist brainwashing of the vulnerable – combined with what Bernard Lewis, author of The Crisis of Islam, describes as "the minutely described delights of paradise" – has given us the suicide bombers."


  2. Gee, does that mean the Ayatollah didn't get any fun out of raping a 4-year-old girl?

    Small consolation.

    Well, the geniuses over at Blogger claim IBA is still on the old system and won't let me blog, so it's back to this for a while.

    Just wanted to remind everyone that Ayaan Hirsi Ali's new book Infidel is now on the shelves, and Walid Phares' War of Ideas is, I am told, due out Tuesday or Wednesday.

    On an online chat board (totally different subject) I frequent had several postings yesterday from people living in or having recently visisted Paris. (One of the posters is an American who works there and who earlier posted that she could not give her child a Jewish middle name because it would be too dangerous.) Not one mention of Islam-related "troubles". Is this situation still invisible to tourists or are they just trying to ignore it?

  3. Sorry RoP could you repost a link to that article, the one you supplied doesn't work (I think it's dependent on cookies).

  4. jonz

    Try this:

  5. RRA,
    We will soon have a blogger on the ground in France. Hopefully that person can give us some reports on the situation in Paris and Marseilles.

    The twin pillars of Islam in the West are ideological and social. Both need to be removed if Islam is to be eradicated as a major threat to our lives and well being.

    A Muslim is one who believes that the Koran is the literal word of God, valid for all time. He also believes that Mohammed is 'al-insan al-kamil', the perfect man. Any attempt to find errors in the Koran, or question the character of Mohammed, will cause a frenzy of fanatical rage.

    Mohammed is the one and only foundation of Islam. To question the integrity of his character is to open up the possibility that the whole system is a scam.

    These two tribal totems – the Holy Book and the Prophet – are surrounded by appropriate tribal taboos and must be treated with superstitious awed reverence, as demonstrated by the outrage caused by the Koran in the toilet and the Danish Motoons.

    Of course, by any reasonable standards the Koran is a pile of crap and rightly belongs down the toilet. It consists of mangled and misunderstood Judeo-Christian doctrines mixed with Mohamed’s projection of his own vicious, tyrannical ego onto a Supreme Being (or rather a Supreme Bogeyman), plus copious quantities of venomous and vitriolic ranting for those who refuse to believe this tripe. The Koran is also full of factual errors and contradictions

    Similarly for the other totem, Mohammed is a repulsive scumbag, who if brought to justice in a modern country would be serving multiple life-sentences for a variety of crimes including murder, mutilation, torture and child-rape.

    To attack the ideology we must continue to attack the two totems, by use of rational and ethical arguments and plain ridicule – which is highly effective as the Motoons have shown.

    Of course no one likes to realise they have been scammed or brainwashed into believing a load of B/S.

    Nevertheless, totally irrational and ridiculous ideologies may be widely believed, propagated and protected, if they serve the purpose of some ruling clique or power structure. Remember how the Stalinist and Nazi thugs established their power bases on the two irrational foundations of Marxist economics and German racial supremacy.

    Truth and satire are not sufficient to destroy irrational belief systems where power is at stake.

    Islam lives in a mutually-reinforcing symbiosis with a theocratic social-political power structure based on dominance and submission. The power structure is three-fold:

    (a) At the top of the pile are the vicious manipulative Ulema – the power-obsessed Muslim clergy. They are the custodians of Sharia law and are judge, jury and executioner in Islamic countries. Such is the dominance, power and prestige of the Ulema that they can get anything they want. When Ayatollah Khomeini asked one of his congregation to lend him his four year old daughter for a pedophilic one-night-stand, the father happily agreed.

    (b) Next is the ordinary Muslim man. Adult Muslim males are guaranteed absolute unfettered dominance over their women and children, who may be killed with impunity for bringing dishonor on their spouse or parents.

    (c) At the bottom of the heap are the subjugated kaffirs – the infidels. Infidels living within Dar al-Islam are second-class citizens subject to severe discrimination and extortion, and are liable to be killed or enslaved if they fail to pay Jizya (protection money). Kaffirs living in Dar al-Harb are legitimate targets for robbery, rape, fraud etc by the Ummafia.

    To eradicate Islam this theocratic social-political power structure will also need to be abolished. The following steps must be taken if we are to survive.

    (1) An immediate end to all Muslim immigration coupled with deportation of illegals.

    (2) Reverse the PC policies which have made our country so attractive to Muslims. We have bent over backwards to appease their ever increasing demands, and what thanks do we get? Bombs on trains and soldiers beheaded. Make this country VERY unattractive to Muslims. (Sprinkle pig’s blood on all seats in planes, buses and trains?)

    (3) Bug all mosques and madrassahs. When enough evidence has been collected nationwide, carry out a purge and jail and deport the murderous Ulema for sedition and incitement to violence. This will get rid of the vast majority of these vermin.

    (4) Ban cousin marriage. Not only will this seriously disrupt Muslim breeding habits and so reduce their rate of growth (55% of Muslims marry their first cousins), but preventing inbreeding will also increase the intelligence and decrease the incidence of mental illness in the next generation, which has got to be bad news for the perpetuation of Islam.

    (5) Make drama lessons compulsory in primary schools. Muslim pressure groups know the value of role-playing and are constantly trying to introduce da’wa into kaffir schools in the form of ‘let’s pretend we’re Muslims for a week’ etc. But this tactic can be used in reverse. Drama lessons using proper materials could increase the confidence and assertiveness of Muslim girls.

    (6) Provide sanctuaries for women, girls and apostates attempting to escape from Islam.

    (7) Introduce heavy and very obtrusive zero-tolerance policing in Muslim areas and searches of all Muslims at airports.

    (8) No more appeasement of Islam in any form. Remember the dominance/submission psychology of Muslims. Like a dog, a Muslim needs to know who’s boss. They need to feel themselves to be subdued, otherwise they attempt to become dominant themselves.

    (9) Strict controls on citizenship and the right to vote. Some sort of loyalty test (maybe national service) to be made compulsory before being allowed to vote.

    (10) Anyone going around with their face covered in a public place must be arrested.
