
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Special Report: Piglet 'Rubbed Out' by Muslims

The good folk at Qatar Living recently did a post on the absolute stupidity of censoring a child's book. Ht tip to GM’s Corner.

In Qatar there is only one decent bookshop (that happens to be a Saudi chain) that has a few shelves of English books. Shopping there is hit or miss - you don't go there to look for a title. You go there in the hope of stumbling upon something interesting. The kids selection is not bad though. The other night we saw Disney's "My Very First Encyclopedia with Winnie the Pooh and friends". We grabbed it and thought it was exactly what we needed for our daughter - not only does she love Winnie the Pooh but she's also started taking a keen interest in nature.

We flipped it open and noticed that some of the pages had been vandalised with a black marker. We figured it must have been bought and returned after some kids had got there hands on it. Further inspection made us realise that this was actually systematic. Someone had deliberately "censored" out each and every picture of Piglet from hundreds of pages in the book with a black marker (my guess is that the book got caught by Saudi Censors enroute to Doha).

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

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  1. I remember watching the usual Disney TV commercials in Malaysia for some stage play version of Winnie the Pooh. Charming stuff and kid's fluff that I usually tune out immediately.

    But one day I paid attention, and noticed how carefully editted these TV commercials were. Nowhere in the ad was Piglet visible.

  2. what would they do with story of 3 little pigs ?? cange it to 3 little Christians ?? LOL !!!

    im gonna go to my local mosque and stick rashers of bacon to the walls and post pork scratchings through the letterbox!!
